Mar 25, 2011

Sweet & Sassy

Tonight a little girl from TRA had a birthday party. This was both a greatly anticipated event and a greatly dreaded event, depending on who you were. For Alex, it was greatly anticipated. She has been couting down the days for this party since she got the invitation. For Kate, who wasn't invited to the party, every reminder of the approaching event was pure torture. I love that they are in seperate classroooms now, but there are downsides such as this. Both of the girls have been dying to go to Sweet and Sassy for a long time, we just haven't gotten around to going yet. My plan was to have my mom take Alex to the party, and I was going to take Kate to do some fun stuff on our own so that she didn't completely miss out. Well, my mom went out of town. and tim had something going on tonight, so I was stuck. I didn't want to leave Alex at the party alone, because I didn't know the parents. But I didn't want Kate to have to sit there and watch the fun without participating. I have been stressing about this for the last 2 days! As soon as we walked in the door, Kate almost started crying. Alex ran off to be with the 15 plus little girls there, and Kate buried her face in my stomach. I am not a big cryer, but I promise I got tears in my eyes. Knowing that my child was heartbroken and I couldn't do anything about it! Well, thank goodness, the birthday girl's mom saw Kate and came over and asked if she wanted to join. You should have seen the grin on Kate's face!!! OH WHAT A RELIEF! LIFE GOES ON!!! The mom told me she had no idea that they were twins and she apologized. I thanked her so many times that I am sure that she thought I was slightly crazy. Crisis averted!
If you have a daughter, or if you are just a girl yourself, and you have never been to Sweet and Sassy. Please go. Like, in the morning. ASAP. It is soooo much fun! They do nails and hair and stuff like that by day, but by night they rock out the birthday parties. I mean ROCK IT OUT!! Blaring JB songs, they gave them facials, manicures, makeovers, they got to sing, dance, and walk the runway. I promise I was tempted to ask if I could join in (I did get glitter in my hair, which I am quite sure I will never get out....). It was seriously the dream party. And trust me, it cost a pretty penny to have that party! Alex told me tonight that the birthday girl said "hope you liked my party, it cost over $200", lol and I'm pretty sure that was an understatement! Tons of fun though! I took lots of pics but I will just share my favorites.

The funniest pics have to be the ones when they had the mask on thier faces, too cute! Also, I am pretty sure there is no such thing as getting a serious pic of Kate, she makes the goofiest faces for pics. and it's quite contagious, everyone that takes a pic with her seems to do the same thing. Kate had the whole store's attention when she got up on stage and started break dancing. The older girls (the party coordinators) told her she was the girl version of Justin Beiber, they loved her dancing and she loved their attention! Kate passed out on the way home from the party, I am pretty sure she passed out during the middle of a sentence. Alex made it home and was in the bed at least 2 minutes before she passed out. What a fun fun night!!!

Oh and one other thing that made today great....we went shoe shopping! Gotta have spring shoes. Kate's favorite pair are these heels, she thinks she is a grownup in them and I just love this pic of them.

What a great start to a fun filled bring on Saturday and Sunday!!! Pin It Now!


  1. OH I am so glad they both got to join in! My girls love that place. Our favorite is the cotton candy hairspray! And the smell stays in their hair for days, lol. Love the pics and the new shoes.

  2. It is a super cool place for little girls. My oldest had her 5th birthday party there, it was a blast!
