Mar 10, 2011

K&A Trivia

The girls do so many things that I want to remember forever....with their birthday fast approaching, it is making me realize how many memories we have already made in the short 8 years they have been around. I usually document and remember the big stuff, the fun outings, the main events...but it's the little things that I don't want to forget about either. We don't necessarily do something fun and exciting every week, actually life is typically pretty uneventful during the week. But there is one thing that can be said about K&A, not a day goes by that they don't say something hilarious! They seriously make me laugh out loud everyday. Here are some highlights on my crazy talking twins......

~they often argue over everything and anything and nothing at the same time. they don't do (too) much name calling or hitting or anything like that. but their favorite weapon of defense is the word "ugly" just sit back and think about that for a minute. how do you call your sister WHO LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE YOU ugly??? isn't that just silly? this makes me laugh every single time it happens. and even though it is funny to me and you, it is not funny to them at all! I often have to console the "ugly" sister while the "name calling" sister proudly smiles thinking she has accomplished the perfect criticism.......I know that we will all laugh about this one day. Wonder how long it will take them to realize what they are actually saying....

~now this fact is ironic given the fact previously mentioned....they can't tell who is who in pictures. this always baffles me. they bring pictures to me and say "Is that me or sissy?" How can you not know? Especially when I always know exactly which one of them is pictured! I wonder if other twins are like that or if mine are just "special"?! haha

~they LOVE Full House. their favorite saying is "How Rude!"(from Stephanie Tanner)'s said all the time. Today Kate was not wanting to leave after school care so I told her that she could just stay there but I was leaving. She didn't realize that the school headmaster was standing right behind her. He said, "Kate, do you want to sleep here?" Her response: "Sure, just let me go home and get my pillow.". He said, "No, you don't get a pillow, you have to sleep here on the cold, hard floor." She said, "HOW RUDE." lol as you can see this saying can be used for various reasons....

~they LOVE to sing. they have just about every single song on the radio memorized and they are not afraid to belt it out!

~they loathe baths, brushing their hair, washing their hair, wearing any kind of ponytail holder in their hair, socks, coats, and I am quite positive that I am missing a few things more that they hate.....

~those little girls CAN EAT!!! most kids get happy meals at McDonalds.....K&A get Big Macs and eat the entire thing. Alex will eat just about anything while Kate is not quite as adventurous. Both of them can eat enough shrimp to feed a grown man, I am pretty sure that is their favorite. **I feel sorry for the boys who want to take them out on dates**

~paper. they are obsessed with paper. you want to buy these girls a gift? buy them a notebook and some pens. or even just a package of loose paper. for some reason, they LOVE anything that has to do with writing, drawing, doodling, whatever. of all the toys they have, paper is their favorite

~quotes. there are SO MANY quotes from them that are hilarious that I can't even keep up with them. wish I could. I hope to get better at writing them down. but you just never know when something crazy will come out of their mouths!

QOTD a couple of days ago: Alex said "Mom, can I use some of your money? I like to save mine." haha crazy child

~loudest mouths you have ever heard. My sister once told me I had the loudest mouth she had ever heard.....well, that was before K&A came along....they are like me times 100.

~not only are they loud but they literally never stop talking. we once tried to watch a movie with my friend Natalie and her parents. I warned them that K&A didn't stop talking long enough to watch a movie. Natalie assumed I was exaggerating.......35 questions and only 10 minutes into the movie, she believed me.

~currently one of the girls (names not provided to protect the innocent) has a crush on a boy. well she had a serious talk with me about it. (my mouth was gaping open because the conversation sounded a little too old for me) She explained to me that she liked a boy but that she couldn't let anyone know because her BFF liked the boy too and so she didn't want to hurt her feelings. ~oh young love!!~ it was such a cute conversation and it gave me a glimpse into the future when I am sure we will have many more conversations (probably more than I like) about boys

Okay, I can't think of too many more facts about K&A, although I am sure I will think of more as soon as I post this blog!

I cannot believe that they are fast approaching their 8th birthday. I am really not sure where in the world the time has gone....seems like just yesterday I was worried about where I was going to send them to preschool, and now they are finishing up 2nd grade. If I blink, they will be in high school without me even noticing!!!! Pin It Now!


  1. Guess who can get comments on her blog're welcome! lol

