Mar 28, 2011


I know every child avoids bedtime like the plague. No clue why my kids never want to go to bed, but there is always the normal "i need to go to the bathroom", "i need a drink", and many other clever ideas to put off going to bed. they want to talk and talk and talk. tonight, this is the convo at bedtime:

me: Alex, go to sleep.
Alex: Mom, what's 36 minus 12?
me: Alex, go to sleep.
Alex: I know all my spelling words Mom.
me: Alex, go to sleep.

lol, those children never give up!!even if they have to resort to schoolwork as their delay tactics. Pin It Now!


  1. Funny! My oldest has to come tell me "One more time" how much she loves me every night!

  2. haha, yeah, both of my girls always want to "just give me another kiss"!
