Apr 17, 2013

Serious Sally

Nobody in the blogging world needs Serious Sally.
Or Positive Patty.
Or Pouting Lora.
So I haven't blogged much this week.
That and I have been swamped at work. Details, details.

So, if you have been following my blog a long time then you deserve a reward then you know that about one week out of every month, I go into non-blogger mode and pout a little. I quickly get over it, thank goodness. Also, if you have been following a long time, then you know why I get this way once every month.


In addition to the normal frustration, I have a hurt foot.
Nothing major, which is annoying because I feel like a crybaby.
But the doctor told me to rest it for a couple of weeks.
Me not working out = Grumpy Gale

Me not working out = today I have on pants that I put at the top of my closet a month or so ago because they were too big. And today they are not too big. {Shoot me now} Chubby Carla.

I'm working hard on getting back on track. Starving Suzy.

And I also know that all my "huge problems" in the big scheme of things are absolutely no big deal. But I watched Teen Mom 2 last night and my inner teenager is dying to complain. Janky Janelle.

In other news, I'm doing a 5K this weekend.
Yes, I understand that directly contradicts what I said earlier about resting my foot.
I'm pretty sure this is why I'm so bummed about my foot.
It's a small race in a little town next to where I live for a little girl who has cancer. TONS of people that I know are doing this 5K and this is my first year to participate. I was REALLY hoping to get a PR and rock it since I haven't done a 5K in a long time, but it looks like I will probably be walking. BUMMER.
K&A will be running it as their first 5K! I'm excited about that.
Running Rita. Walking Wynona.

Also, 3 girls I work with will be there, along with one of my best friends, and Laura, Meredith, Janessa, and Laura.
It should be a good time!
Social Sara.

You should all know that even if I sound like a Whining Willy, I'm actually smiling really big today. The weather is nice, summer is approaching, and I have lots of things to be happy about!! Even if I do have to be in a swimsuit in less than a month.

Hope everybody has a great Hump Day!!!
Blogger Betty is Out! :) Pin It Now!


  1. I definitely needed to read this this morning! Cracking up at all the names described. I'm Frustrated Freida and Pity Party Patty over here this morning. Now I'm Giggling Gerta!
    Enjoy your 5K this weekend Social Sara!

  2. Sorry about that foot of yours.

    Looking forward to Saturday! Go Lucy Go! :)

  3. LOL - sorry you're down in the dumps but you still made me laugh! Chin up buttercup :)

  4. I can totally relate. It really sucks when you want to exercise and your body does not feel the same. Hang in there!!

  5. I am bummed for you too. But you have a great attitude and will be back in no time. Did the dr say anything about other forms of exercise? Biking??

  6. If you're bummed for why I think you're bummed, then I'm bummed too!

    Hope your foot heals quickly!

  7. haha love grumpy gale so using that from now on! don't worry your foot will get better just be positive patty :)

  8. This totally made me laugh! Hope your foot gets better soon & good luck to you and the girls on the 5k!

  9. Why can't everyone be like you when they are having a bad day!?!? You still manage to make everyone laugh. I know this week is hard for you. I have been there. It's tough. I hope your foot carries you through the 5k. I had a 5k last weekend on a bum foot for a little girl with cancer. I was 8th from last. But I did it. I know you will too.

  10. LMAO with all the names in your post!! Good luck to you and your girls this weekend on the 5K! That is awesome!

  11. I'm sorry about the monthly part, it sucks. And I'm sorry about the foot part, it sucks too but not as bad as the first part. Enjoy the 5k regardless of if you are walking or running it!

  12. At least you are Funny Frannie! Good luck with the foot and 5K.

  13. Keep smiling, sunshine! You make so many of us smile! Y'all have fun this weekend! Go Lucy Go!

  14. My running hasn't been great either and I'm still debating signing up for the race. If I do, I'm sure I'll be right back there with you (especially after the major Taco Bell attack we had tonight).

  15. haha love the names at the ends of the sentences. love you girlie. your month is coming. God just didnt want you to have a halloween baby :)

  16. I just started running again this week after a month off of zero exercise, so I am pretty much going to die trying to finish the 5k this weekend! I can't wait to meet all you ladies!! :)
