Apr 2, 2013

For some reason, everytime I have beef with someone, I picture myself the hot chick on Step Up saying "Let's take it to the streets!"

Can't we just do a dance off to figure out our problems?
Yes please, Channing Tatum, we can.

Yesterday I.....

-wrote a blog post when I was really mad. And then I deleted it. Sorry if you missed it. It was good stuff. Truth be told, I make this blog into a book each year, for my kids to have for when they're older. And yes, I want them to see different sides of their mom, but they do not need to see unnecessary things. So it was deleted.

-was accused of lying on my blog. First off, if you don't like my blog, you shouldn't read it. Second off, get real. I didn't lie. In case you MISREAD what I wrote yesterday about the Easter bunny and then went and ran and blabbed it to my ex, you should know that he did in fact get them something for Easter. I NEVER SAID HE DIDN'T. In fact, I think he is an awesome Dad, truth be told. Not a great human, but a great dad. I was simply telling y'all exactly what happened: Kate called me and said that the Easter bunny didn't come, and that her Dad told her that he might have gone to my house. End of story.

-talked myself out of working out. It's sad y'all. I have this retarded fear that I am going to hurt myself before Sunday and not be able to run in my half. This isn't exactly that crazy, because I have old lady bones and if I run too much my legs start to die, which I don't want to happen. But there's a difference between "too much running" and "none at all".

-I taught my Mom how to block someone from showing up in her news feed on fb. (Well, actually this was today, not yesterday, but same diff.) It was very useful knowledge that I was happy to share with my mom. And now her news feed is happy.

-I went to softball practice last night with my body guard (FH) so that if the ex was still hatin' on me, I had protection. But then again, I should have realized that he would NEVER say that junk to my face, he just likes to put in on FB for the world to see.

-I dressed up for work. Like in an actual dress. It was strange. And now it won't happen again for at least another month or two.

-I reserved our cabin for Spring River. You can read about our trip last year here. We go every year and we LOVE it! It is so much fun and I am so excited to go back soon. As much as I am DYING to get a bun in my oven, I'm pretty sure my BFF LA is okay with me not getting one in my oven until after this trip. Nobody needs a pregnant lady on a raft.

-I also had one of those moments (cue the song:"You find out who your Friends are"). There are people in life who are reliable...and then there are people in life that you can never count on to do what they say they will do. Because nothing makes me crazier than having someone say they will do something and then back out. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. It just gets old.

Despite not having a spectacular day yesterday, I'm actually in a great mood! It might just have something to do with the fact that my man and I are going on a roadtrip this weekend....and who doesn't love a good road trip?? Who lives close to StL and wants to come cheer us across the finish line?? FH might need help carrying me back to the car.....

Happy Tuesday y'all! May the odds be ever in your favor. :) Pin It Now!


  1. So sorry girl - ugh... people can really misconstrue things and I can't wait to see you this weekend.

  2. Ain't no body got time fo baby daddy drama!

  3. I really am kicking myself that I missed that post. Damn meeting.

    and I am glad you are in a good mood! Keep it up all week and weekend! We's gon have a blast!

  4. We all have those days. I'm glad you were able to teach your mom to block someone! That's really important. And you can add me to your true friends list! I'll leave beer in my car for you or bring you bread in a ice storm!

  5. Blocking people on my facebook is probably one of my favorite things to do... That and just defriend them!

    Looking forward to the weekend! Hopefully, I will be able to make one of the cool kid parties this weekend!

  6. I hate I missed that post lol! Some people just need to grow up gosh. It's your blog, you say what the heck you want. = ) Anyways, excited about this weekend. I keep getting scared I'm going to injure myself or at least be too sore to run if I do too much (or anything lol.) I know what you mean about knowing who you can rely on. It really sucks learning that though. = ( Yay for Saturday!

  7. Dang it. I missed the angry post. I'm so angry at missing the angry post. (haha).... I hope you have a fantastic weekend! I can't wait to hear all about your half!!

  8. I'm glad I caught that post! That's so shitty that someone ran off blabbing at the mouth about the truth. U-G-H!

    Hope you guys have a fabulous weekend and I'm so excited for your half!

  9. I read it and can sympathize... friggin' men and drama, they seem to go hand in hand, don't they?! Anyways, glad you're having a much better day today and I can't WAIT to hear how your run goes this weekend! You will rock the shit out of it!

  10. I read it! And I LOVED it! I went back to comment on it an hour later and it was gone whomp whomp :( yay for roadtrips can't wait to hear all about your half! You got this girl!

  11. Best conclusion to a post EVER. :)

    I'm glad I caught the post! I didn't think what you wrote in your original post seemed all that scandalous. Someone was just being a Sensitive Sally. Psshhtt.

  12. ONWARD. Great post! I hope your girls read this in your book and say you know what, sometimes other people do things that piss you off because they're so F'd up, but you just keep going. Don't give them any power.

  13. Nothing like showing our elders the ropes of social write offs. :) And not to scare the shit out of you before Sunday, but there is a three mile HILL. A mother funkin hill. For three miles.
