Apr 9, 2013


In case you have been living under a rock, I went to St Louis this past weekend to torture myself with 13 miles.

To sum up the weekend in one word: AMAZING.
To sum up the race in one word: TORTURE.

Friday night, I met up with Holly, Ashley, Mel, and Laura-who-doesn't-have-a-blog-YET.
I'm not gonna lie, I was nervous.
I felt like I was going on an online date.
Which I kind of was.
These girls were amazing.
I have no words.
Never did I think I could make such awesome friends via the interwebs, but it's true. I did.
We laughed and drank and talked and danced and took pictures.
Like bloggers do.

excuse my evil eyes.

Saturday morning, FH woke up sick.
Which was no fun.
I felt really bad for him so I let him sleep while I went to the mall.
Did I mention that Laura picked a hotel that was within walking distance of the mall? Well played, Laura.

It felt so amazing outside that I even busted out a pair of shorts.

Then around lunchtime, Laura and Meredith got there.

I already knew both of these girls but I was excited to get to spend some more time with them.

We headed to meet everybody for lunch.
And then to pick up our race packets at the Expo.

At this point, I was still in denial that I was running 13 miles the next day.

We all went to Mel's house to hang out that night.

Can I just tell you that after going to Mel's house, I felt like I should go home and head straight to the nearest home interior person and have them come decorate my house for me?
Her house is amazing and her closet is the size of my bedroom.

It was so much fun to hang out with everybody, even though poor FH was still stuck in the hotel.
And now.....the race.

WARNING: This race recap might make me look like a wimp, there were emotions all over the place.

We had to be up super early for the race.
I was a wreck.
I quickly realized that I didn't have breakfast and the hotel breakfast wasn't open yet.
All of my race shirts made me look like a chubster, and notice the pic above, I was running with a bunch of hotties.
And I didn't know where to tell FH to go for the race or what time to be there.
I cried. Stupid girl tears.
I was just so stressed and scared and retarded.
FH-bless him.
He just hugged me when he probably should have laughed at me.
I kind of got it together and went to meet Laura and Meredith.
And we were off.

We all started the race together.
Holly and I planned on staying together since we figured we were around the same pace runners.
Don't listen to Holly when she talks about not being a runner, she left me in her dust.

I got shin splints on mile one. Mile freaking one, y'all.
I could feel tears building up because my legs hurt so badly and I had 12 more miles to go. Not to mention I did NOT want to slow Holly down.
Towards the end of mile 2, I finally realized that I needed to just let Holly go. {that sounds so dramatic}
But I knew what pace she wanted and I knew with those shin splints, I couldn't keep up.

I walked some, I ran some, and I walked some more.
Somewhere along mile 4 or so, my shinsplints went away.
There was a Taco Bell on mile 5 and you better believe I would have stopped if it would have been open.

It wasn't fun for me.
I felt horrible because I didn't train.
I know I am a better runner than that.
And the whole time I was thinking about how much better I could have ran if I was more prepared.
But I just kept going.

I got a drink at almost every single water station.

Miles 6-8 are famously known as the Holy Hill.

I'm gonna be honest, I was terrified of that hill.

But then, I quickly realized that the entire race was hills and nothing but hills. I'm not even playing. I have no idea how we never went downhill. The finish line must have been on top of a mountain.

I knew FH was going to be somewhere along the race, I just didn't know where. I did NOT want to miss him.

He was following me the entire time with the Find Friends App so I knew he would know exaclty where I was. I stayed right in the center the whole time because I wanted to be able to see both sides of the street so I didn't miss him.

I saw him on mile 7.

I cried again.
I told y'all this was a ridiculously emotional race for me. #loser

This made my entire day.
Seeing him with this sign put the biggest, stupidest grin on my face for about the next 3 miles.

Next time I run, I'm going to make sure he shows up at each mile marker with a different sign. It will help me A LOT.

I also saw these two cool kids.

Thank goodness I ran so fast by them that they couldn't get a picture of me......

And that sign, well in case you are wondering, #louie was the hashtag of the weekend.
Most of you know, I was hoping to make an out of town baby.
Mel told me if I did then I had to name him Louie.
And Holly told us that had to be the hashtag of the weekend, so now you know. #louie We laughed tons over this.

Mile 11, something popped in my foot.
I almost died.
I couldn't run at all after that.
I know the people behind me would have been laughing if they weren't dying themselves.
But I would try to run, get like 3 steps and stop.
I cried it hurt so badly.
I seriously considered stopping to talk to a medic when I saw one.
But I was scared that something was seriously wrong and I didn't want to not finish.

So I basically walked the last two miles.
Which was so dissappointing.
But I'm proud that I finished.
I saw FH again right before the finish line.
He's such a good husband, his phone went dead because he followed me the entire time.

The good news is, no matter how slow you are, you still get a medal.
And a 13.1 sticker will still go on my car.
I finished in 2 hours and 58 minutes, which I think is horrible.
But I'm proud that I made it in under 3 hours.
I had a tough time mentally and physically, so just finishing was an accomplishment.

After I had a tiny rest, we went to meet the gang for lunch.

Can I just tell y'all that after walking before the race and after the race, I swear I deserve a 26.2 sticker. We walked TONS.

I'm still recovering from the race.
My foot is not great, but I don't think it is bad enough to go the doctor but I can't be sure.

All-in-all, that was a super fun trip!
But I must tell the StL girls that next time, I'll be the one holding the sign and not running. :)

I couldn't have asked for a better weekend!

But I was glad to get home to these little (big) girls finally.

If you made it to the end of this post, thanks for the dedication. I know it was a long one. And if you no longer want to follow me because I was an emotional wreck because of a few miles, no hard feelings.

Happy Tuesday Everybody!!!
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  1. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! For real - I am so glad our paths crossed - you are one special girl and one that makes me laugh non-stop. You did amazing and I am so proud of you!!! Congrats you deserve every ounce of that medal and that sticker for sure.

  2. I get so jealous when I see all my fav bloggers having so much fun together! I have to make one of these sometimes soon. Something POPPED and you kept going?! You are a bad ass. Congrats lady!

  3. I think you did a great job!! I ran 2 miles on Sunday and thought I was going to die. You rock! You girls all rocked!

  4. Gril, you ROCKED that race!! I'm so proud of you for having the dedication to go out there and do it!! I was the goon by the street holding the sign. I felt ridiculous for not being out there with you all! SO proud of you!!

  5. Awesome job! I'm proud of you for finishing!

  6. So proud of you - you made it!!! Not everyone has the dedication to make it through something like that, and you should rock that 13.1 sticker like nobody's business!


  7. Can you put a # on a birth certificate? If so, you should totally make that the middle name "#Louie". Then the initials would be HLY....for holy hill!! Or Holly. You could say the baby is named after her too. But seriously, way to freaking go! Is that 13.1 sticker on the car yet??? it better be! And I love that FH used the find friends app. I would have never thought of that. Awesome!

  8. You are super amazing! I cannot even IMAGINE doing that! Way to go most people cant complete one of those in their lifetime! that sign is super sweet and you should be so proud of yourself! you deserve it!

  9. That's awesome! Congrats on the 13.1! I find this so inspiring, I am just debating dabbling in this whole running thing. :)

  10. Seriously proud of you and all of the other ladies who did the half this weekend. When you think of how you did, I hope you are proud of yourself too. You might not have done as well as you would have liked, but you did it, and that's what counts! You did awesome!

  11. You are awesome, you did it, and now you have that sticker to prove it! After reading all the race recaps I'm so motivated to get my butt moving and also a little jealous that you all got to meet!

  12. You are awesome. 13.1 is not easy and You did it and you did not give up.

  13. Are you kidding me? You are a rock star! I couldn't even run for five stinking minutes at the Y on Sunday and you freaking did a half marathon! That is amazing!!!

    Next time you come into town, I am making sure I hang out with the cool kids :)

  14. Congrats on finishing even with your physical pains and your emotional ups and downs. That takes fortitude. Great job.

  15. girllllll I've been waiting for your post. And that is a freaking awesome time, especially for your first one! So proud you did it and finished with a messed up foot. I would have dropped to the ground screaming someone help, seriously. You rock

  16. You know what girl? You signed up for that race an toy rocked it. I will never sign up for anything tht far, so to me- you are kickass. I wouldn't have finished in 4 hours! Congrats girl!!!

  17. You most definitely have a lot to be proud about! Signing up and actually doing it...and then of course actually persevering and finishing!!
    Congratulations on all of it!
    And FH is awesome for that sign! So sweet!
    Hope your foot starts to feeling better soon.

  18. YAY you!! I'm not sure I could make it half that far! Congrats!

  19. I am so proud of you for even finishing, especially after you felt the pop in your foot. I'll help FH make signs for each mile next time, but I don't think I could ever do that. I wouldn't even know which way to go because I'd be crying so hard. Way to go!

  20. I'm so proud of you for finishing this!!! You could've given up and would've had some very good reasons to, but you stuck with it!

    FH's sign was so sweet! I felt great when I saw a friend holding a sign for me, can only imagine how amazing it felt to have the Hubs there showing support!

    Hope your foot feels better :)

  21. You did awesome, you finished and that's all that matters!!!!! I can't wait to do another half and I promise you will be there to soon. I bet the trip and doing it with the Blogger ladies was half the fun!!!!!! Way to go girl!!!! I love reading and following along!!!

  22. Lora, put on your big girl panties and own that shizz. Seriously. You were only 20 something minutes behind girls that really thought they had trained! Ha! And you finished it eating a effing popsicle because it was a walk in the park... and because you have one more in you.

    Also, not going to lie. I just laughed out loud, alone in my kitchen, at us finishing on top of a mountain comment. LOL!!

  23. So so proud of you Lora! Atleast you had the balls to not only sign up, but show up, AND finish the race. Loser over here paid in full and couldn't even show up due to stupid injuries. Keep that medal in a place where you can see it ALL the time because you are awesome and should not forget that. Who cares if it took you 6 hours? You finished! And that's more than most of the population can say.

    P.S. Brownie points for hubby!

  24. I am just now seeing this but I am so so proud of you! I just signed up for my first half this morning and I am running it with Ashley, Mel, and Holly... you are more than welcome to come up and hold a sign ;) PROUD OF YOU! Not gonna lie this post made me emotional!

  25. So what if you had to walk? You finished and that's the important thing! I know I couldn't have run that long without stopping. You are awesome.
