Apr 5, 2013


The time is finally here.
St Louis Roadtrip!

The top 5 reasons that I'm super excited:

1. FH time. I love my husband but I hardly get to see him enough. See also: there will never be enough. So I'm ridiculously excited about our 4 hour car ride together.

2. Blates! I'm meeting several new bloggers this weekend and hanging with some I already know. I'm beyond excited about this.

3. I'm gonna run a little race....this is not as exciting as #1 and #2.

4. I will finally have a 13.1 sticker for my car. This was a goal of mine for 2013....and since I haven't been doing great on some other goals (get skinny, get knocked up) I am happy to finally mark one off my list.

5. Out of town romance could equal bun in oven? Maybe. Cross your fingers cause nothing says romance like a hotel room.

Top 5 things that are stressing me out:

1. FH is sick-ish. Hopefully he will shake it off soon.

2. I have to work today, an entire day without leaving early. This is difficult for me on any given Friday, but really really difficult for me when a roadtrip is waiting.

3. I packed everything I own but I'm still afraid I forgot something. If I accidentally on purpose forget my tennis shoes do I get out of the race?

4. The race is super early. Which means that we have to be up super early which means we can't stay up late Saturday night. Vacations should not have bedtimes. Period.

5. I'm not going to want to leave on Sunday....there may or may not be a person sitting at my desk come Monday morning.

I'm still in denial that I'm actually running 13 miles on Sunday.
No big deal.

When I signed up for the half, I calculated my time and realized that I had to run a 14 minute mile in order to finish before the time limit of 3 hours. {I'm not sure if there is a time limit on this race, but I know some of them have it and I would DIE of embarassment if I finished after the time was up.}

I remember texting my BFF and telling her that I just have to average 14 minutes, I think I can do that.
This shows you how long I have been running.
Not. Very. Long.
Well, I've been running forever. But not consistently. And not long distances. And obvs not very fast.

Since then, I have gotten to about an average of a 10-ish minute mile.
I know this isn't super fast for many of you, but I'm okay with it.
My goal is to finish, and not die.
Honestly, I would like to finish in about 2 & 1/2 hours.
But seeing as how I haven't ran in like 3 or 4 weeks, I have no clue how I will do.
I'm also super competitive so I might just kill myself trying to finish.
I can run another half one day and then I will worry about time.
But for this one, I just want to be able to say I finished.

Make sure you follow me on Instagram (@MrsLoYoung) to get a ridiculous amount of updates. Twitter is not normally my jam, but you can follow me there too since most of my IG stuff goes on there. Same username.

I will probably be taking a nap around about mile 6 so I will have a few minutes to update my social media. And then, if my time is crappy, I can blame it on my nap and my social media addiction. I might even throw in a bathroom break just so I have plenty of excuses.

If anyone lives in or near StL and knows a shortcut for the race, please let me know. Holly and I will be looking to jump a fence or two. And because of that, I will leave you with this comment that Holly left me regarding the race....it has given me nightmares ever since.

 ........And not to scare you before Sunday, but there is a three mile HILL.

Who's excited?!
Happy Fun Friday!!!!
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  1. You can do it!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it :)

  2. You can do it! I hope you have a fun running and baby making filled weekend! :)

  3. Oh you crack me up!!!!! I can't wait to hear abt your race. Good luck girl!!!!!!! You will do great!!!!!!!!

  4. You will rock this race! Your 10 minute mile pace is spot on with mine. My sister and I are running our first 1/2 on May 11. Today we're running about 8 miles :) I'll be cheering you on from Kentucky!

  5. You got this girl! Not sure if I will be able to make it out with you girls at anytime this weekend, but know that I am cheering you on!!!!

    I would say you could take a pit stop at my house, but I live no were near the race route, so that would be a little out of your way :)

  6. Yayy, I am SO excited for you... what a fun weekend! Enjoy your time with the hubs and your blogging girls, and you will do GREAT on Sunday! I'll be thinking of you and cheering you on from here!!

  7. Sounds like a fun, fun weekend. You are going to do great!!!

  8. Yay! Have a great weekend! Good luck with your race! I know you'll do awesome! And I look forward to lots of pics via Instagram!

  9. 3 mile hill? For real? I quit.

  10. I will be with you in spirit. so when you feel something poking your ass up the hill, dont worry its just spirit kimmy!

  11. Good luck! Have fun and make the most of it!

  12. Ahhh...so excited for y'all and this race! A 10 minute mile is fast to me :) I hope you and FH have lots of sexy time and I'm wishing you (and Holly) a good race with no injuries and maybe a shortcut. Have fun!!!

  13. Regarding your "out of town romance could equal bun in the oven" statement... All I have to say is "Louie!!!"

  14. Following you on bloglovin. I'm hosting a link up this Thursday April 11, show me your favorite spring trend. I'm also doing a giveaway: a $300 gift card to Old Navy/Gap/Banana Republic. Would love to see you at the link up and have you enter the contest.



  15. Soooo... how did the 13 miles go?!?! Have you stopped by and entered my Stella and Dog giveaway yet?! :)
