Mar 14, 2013

Thursday's Random Thoughts

Today is Thursday, right?
Of course this kid-free week has just flown by while normal weeks move at a turtle's pace.

So Tuesday night Janessa and I went to Lindsey's house to watch Teen Mom 2. It was fun stuff. We all live within 3 minutes of each other, but we haven't been able to do stuff like this since 2 out of 3 of us have husbands that work at night. I guess we could bring along the kids, but I know my girls would be way too interested in hearing the grownup talk to do anything else....and boy did we grownup talk gossip, a lot. It was good stuff. And I may or may not have stayed up WAY past my bedtime.

Side note, that link to Lindsey's blog is to a random post...for some reason my work decided to block me from her blog but it will let me pull up random posts?? I'm not sure why....but I'm sure you can click on Home on her page to read current posts. :)

Speaking of which, work is being dumb and has started blocking me from random blogs. What gives?! This is really affecting my social life. I have been reading from my phone so if you haven't seen me comment on your blog lately, it's not because I don't love you. I'm still reading all my favorites, I just can't comment as easily.

Annnnd while we are on the topic of blog reading, I should note two things. 1. Apparently google reader is gonna be no more as of July 1?! Really?! I don't use google reader, I'm a Bloglovin' gal....but I know a lot of people do use google. And honestly, I have no idea how to "claim" my blog on bloglovin' so I'm not sure how to keep up with followers on there....guess I'll have to figure that out soon. And 2. Don't forget to make note of all of your favorite posts you have read this week, I will be having my Friday Favorites linkup again tomorrow.

Moving on.
Have I told y'all lately how hilarious FH is? Well, he is trying his hardest to keep up with all my new blogger friends and I will admit, it's pretty dang hard. I'm sure this is how any normal husband of a woman gang member feels. I tell him about blog posts and about going to so-and-so's house and how so-and-so isn't coming out with us Saturday night because of such-and-such. It's hard to follow. But I love that he cares enough to try to keep up! I'm sure once he puts a few names to faces, he will remember them more.

Speaking of, I have loved not having to share him with K&A this week. I love those girls...but sometimes they interupt a hug with "Don't you be hugging on my man! Michael Harper is my man."
No but for real.
He is a popular man in our house so for me to have him all to myself makes me one happy lady.
Although, his birthday is coming up on Sunday...and if I hear one more time "...but it's my birthday!" I might just have to stab myself in the eye.
I may or may not have influenced him on this the entire month is my birthday so I should get my way every single day concept.
But that's not the point.
I'm still trying to convince him that I should get presents on his birthday. It's not working so well.

We will be staying at The Hilton for his birthday night though.
So you know what that means, don't you?!
Brown chicken brown cow.
Awesome pillows and a super comfty bed!
I love The Hilton.

Hope everybody is having an awesome Thursday....and don't forget to come back tomorrow to link up! :)

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  1. I'm so jealous! I wish I lived near by! My favorite bloggers. My favorite reality smut! Win win!!!

  2. Ugh I missed teen mom this week! Leah and Cory kill me! Leah wants him back but cory isnt sure its just push and pull. but since this was filmed like last year now in real life leah and jeremy are married and actuall just had a kid together!? ugh this seriously needs to be kept up in like real time lol... I wish I lived close to other bloggers I know :(

  3. I love you as much as I love Hilton beds you sexy diva! I'm going to die with this bloglovin thing, attention HJ we need a tutorial up in this B!

  4. A night at the Hilton sounds wonderful and especially without kids. That never happens for us! ENJOY!

  5. How fun that you are so close to other bloggers. No fair!

  6. My blog is blocked?!? Wow! I haven't felt this hardcore in a hot minute! Lol! When I meet FH, I'm afraid I'm gonna call him FH! Lol! I had LOTS of fun on Tuesday! Can't wait to do it again!

  7. I need some blog friends that live close...super jealous :) Have a fabulous sexy time at The Hilton!

  8. having a hubby that cares is the best and lets face it, you nailed it with the gang members. lol. Blogging is a whole other world. Loving your blog, hun. If you get a moment, I'd love if you'd enter my latest giveaway. xo

  9. Brown chicken, brown cow, lol. That is hilarious!! And that is so sweet. I start telling Shane a story and he likes wait, now which girl is that and what's her blog name. He's so lost. At least he will never get confused when it comes to you, Janessa and Lindsey.

  10. I LOVE your blog posts! Thanks for telling us you still love those of us that you aren't commenting on. It suck sharing my hubs with my girls too! So I've been a google reader person & have started following on BlogLovin. Thanks for the heads up!
