Mar 12, 2013

Kid-free and Crazy

Y'all want to know how I spent my first week night with no kids?
It was wild and crazy.
I came home from work and crawled into bed with FH.
And cuddled with him while I read.
For like 2 hours.
It was amazing.

Who knows what wild and crazy-ness I might get into tonight.
Having no kids just turns me into a teenager again.

K&A are staying in the mountains with my dad.
They are getting their country on.
And it helps that my dad is REALLY tough, so I have no doubt that those two girls are going to come back home with zero pre-teen attitude. Hey, a mom can dream.

They have been texting me often.
I love texting with them because they basically never have a lot to say, they just pretty much like to look cool while texting.

Here's some of the funny-ness for you to enjoy.

Those girls...

She is hot and feels home sick.
That translates to she was bored.
And apparently today she is stacking wood.
Child labor rules don't apply on Spring Break.

And since I requested pictures on the mountains, they sent them!
Pay no attention to their clothes.
I just threw everything warm that they owned into luggage and they are wearing what they want.
I'm pretty sure there are more animals than people there, so they don't have to match well...good thing. Fashion is not their strongest.

I miss them, already.
But I can't say I don't enjoy the quiet at least a little.

Hope everybody is having a happy Tuesday! I'm going to get my hair did tonight....stay tuned to find out if I change it up a bit or just get the same ole, same ole. The closer I get to my appointment, the less daring I get! :) Pin It Now!


  1. I don't know why but I find the "what are you doing?" texts insanely sweet. Thank god for technology or how would you know about this wood stacking business???? I am sure they will be fully regimented teens upon their return.

    Hi, I am Kaly, by the way. I think you follow me on IG and I saw you had a blog and I love me a good blog. Sorry for the stalking!

  2. Aww. Sweet, but seriously, I envy the quiet house and mine are nowhere near preteen. Anyone want a couple of kids for the weekend?

  3. Don't be afraid -- hair grows!!! Just do it, you'll be so happy you did!

    A night w/o kids is like heaven, I can't imagine a whole week! :) Enjoy!

  4. Haha! Those texts are super cute! Looks like the kiddos are having fun! :)

  5. I'm sure Big Daddy will do a great job of keeping them in line! Maybe they can bring us back some of Cheryl's cookies...or maybe that wouldn't be so good for the diets.

  6. Sounds like my kind of crazy night too!

  7. You emailed me awhile back - and offered to let me ask any questions. I deleted your email, but now I have a question!! I commented on a post awhile ago about dating your husband and what a challenge it was as a single mom. I'm dating a single dad and it is HARD. Great and fantastic but HARD. Would you mind emailing me and I could ask you my question?? Thanks so much!

  8. Can't wait to see the new hair!

  9. The texting cracks me up.. Enjoy your time!

  10. Awww! I love that your dad took them on a trip. My dad wouldn't be able to take Aubree to a movie. Lol!

  11. They are hilarious! Tell then to stop texting and go play because that's what we all do right lol. I'm a bad influence.

  12. I wish my family would take these kids on a trip-- lucky duck. And I hope you're doing a lot more than just reading in bed, old woman. :)

  13. Yea....I'm behind on reading. LOVE this post! I have been kid-free this week too! My girls are at my parents' house in Hot Springs. I can't wait till my girls are old enough to text with me. It IS nice to have the quiet, but I have been missing mine like CRAZY! Can't wait to see what else you got into this week.
