Mar 19, 2013

I need a Red Bull IV, STAT.

Y'all, I'm tired.
I have no idea why.
If you knew me in real life, you would know that normally I am annoyingly full of energy.
We are talking bouncing off the walls at 5AM kinda energy.
I don't need coffee.
I can go from sunup to sundown without sitting.
But lately, I'm just tired.

I am almost falling asleep at my desk.
I go home from work and just want to nap on the couch.
My alarm goes off in the morning and I hit snooze like 452 times.
Poor FH asks me to go the gym and I would rather sleep.
A blog post about my amazing weekend just feels like too much work.

What is wrong with me??

I'm not in a bad mood.
I'm actually extrememly excited/happy about some good news I got yesterday.
I'm not depressed, I love my life.
I'm just tired.

The point of this post isn't to get any Web MD advice from anyone.
I just want my friends to know why I am in a blogging slump right now.
But rest assured, I always have energy for emails & texts & IG.
Ain't nobody have time to not have time for that. :)

In other news, life at our house is back to normal.
Loud kids, tween attitudes, bedtimes, and all.
And I'm trying to plan for a birthday party for K&A which is this Sunday. Man, I put this off til the last minute!

Here's to me finding more energy and getting my butt back into the gym. If I don't do it soon, I will be a beached whale this summer in a swimsuit.

Happy Tuesday Y'all! Pin It Now!


  1. We all definitely get hit with a slump like this at some time or another!! You'll come out of it soon my friend!!

    PS. Our march sponsor giveaway is live today on my blog :)

  2. I know the feeling - I have it often. Thinking of you...

  3. How's the dietbet going for you? I've been a hot mess the past 2 weeks...need to finish strong so I don't lose my $15! haha

  4. Extreme fatigue was the first sign of my pregnancy :)Happy Tuesday!
    ps,who is Jillian's husband?

  5. Hahaha....I feel the same way.

  6. Could you be preggers??? This is always my first sign. I get SO TIRED.

  7. I feel you! Thinking of you and hope you get some energy soon...or a + sign ;)

  8. My first thought is preggo too! I was exhausted at first. you need some sunshine? I get in a slump sometimes and going running outside helps. Get back to your chipper self soon :)

  9. I hope this is a sign of your body preparing for something wonderful! I'm feeling the same way but mine is due to my old lady disease. Ha!

  10. I thought maybe pregnant too... Hope you're feeling back to yourself soon!

  11. I have had major boughts of this myself! First it was thyroid, then iron, and last vitamin D. I own my own pharmacy! Lindsey said it well! Hope its your body prepping! Regardless of the cause, I hope you start feeling you again!

  12. I feeling it too, but I'm hoping spring break will be the cure. No big plans. Just time to relax...and catch up on housework.

  13. Sunshine is always my cure when I have days like these :)

  14. OBVIOUSLY way behind on my blog reading.....TOTALLY feelin ya on this tired thing. Just wanted you to know you're not alone.
