Mar 5, 2013

Blogging Mojo

I feel as if I have lost my blogging mojo this week.
Normally I can't wait to blog, but today and yesterday I've been just kinda blah and not really having much to say.
Which is weird, I always have SOMETHING to say.

Am I the only one who ever feels this way??

I'm tired and work is busy. I'm sure that has a lot to do with it.
Oh, and I'm barely eating. No, but really.

I started a new detox challenge.
Since everybody in their grandma started the Advocare cleanse yesterday, I decided to start a detox that I had done before and still had the product on hand....but let me just tell you, when they say detox, they are really just saying "starve yourself for two days".

Or at least that's what I think.
The detox I am doing is the 8 day Xyngular cleanse.
You can google it and read all about it....but I should note that I don't recommend it. Just being honest.
It is expensive. Like really expensive.
And you can't eat as much food as you do with Advocare.
But I hit a plateau and I must see a move in the scale.
Live and learn.

So yesterday and today, I have 3 protein shakes for my meals, then 2 small snacks of just meat. My stomach is literally eating itself.

In other news, I have my first half marathon in less than a month...and I haven't ran more than 2 miles since my last 10K.
No, but really.
I'm kinda of in denial that I'm actually gonna have to run that far.
And I'm counting on my competitive nature to get me to the finish line.

Today is day 10 of my Shred Challenge.
Honestly, I'm sick of it....but I'm still doing it because I know it works.
Although exercising when you have hardly eaten is not a fun time.
I hope everyone or at least a handful of you are still sticking with the up will be March 25. Right, Kimmy??

I think that's all I got for now.
Hunger is clouding my judgement...but I can tell you that I'm already down 2 lbs in one day. You can imagine my excitement this morning!

Happy Tuesday Y'all! Hope you are all having a great day! :) Pin It Now!


  1. I feel the same way sometimes! Once you stop for a few days you get frustrated and can't wait to start again :P

  2. You rock!! Such an inspiration to me:) I am starting the shred today soo nervous...I have never done a Jilian workout. I just might die haha

  3. My husband calls a cleanse a "controlled starve". All the ones I had done previous to Advocare were miserable. Hated it. We all get into a funk sometimes, I'm blaming the weather! Hope it turns around soon lady!

  4. You are sooo not the only one who loses blogging mojo... I feel you on that! Congrats on the quick weight loss so far, you're rockin' it!!

  5. Kudos to you for sticking with the Shred so far! 10 days is impressive!

  6. I started a new diet thing with a bunch of bloggers and this week is the sugar detox week. Hubs is already asking how much longer this is going to last and I'm feeling exceptionally hangry. I'm still hanging in there with you and JM :)

  7. I am a new blog follower. I follow you on IG and must say, LOVE the blog! I am doing Shred as well and the advocare cleanse. God how I wish there was a cleanse that allowed wine! what I miss the most! :)

  8. I completely feel you on losing the "blogging mojo." I think we all experience that sometimes! But often I have to take it as a reminder that living life isn't about doing so so we can chat or blog about it - it's about just simply living and enjoying every second :)

    P.S. - So happy to have you on my sidebar this month, beautiful! I'll be in touch via email soon.

  9. I'm in denial right there with you!! Like really bad seriously. I'm going to just play that card until the day of, ha!

  10. Eek! Don't know if I would like that little bit of food. Do ou have to eat like that the whole time?

  11. UH yes to the link up!!! Do you want me to make a button. OK i will admit i was stalking your MFP and was like WTH is she doing btu now I got it. Trying to kill yourself. mmmkay. well let me come to memphis first!! :-) Im on day 2 of advocare and i pretty much want to throw baby carrots at everyone around me who are eating anything else.

  12. Yeah! I felt like that last week then I was all let me make a Monday post and it must have sucked! LOL! Only my immediate homies showed me love! Hahahahaha!

  13. Sorry you are having a yuck week. I have totally been there with the Blog. And I agree that the Advocare is not limiting like so many of those others out there. Hang in there (and go run!)

  14. We are going to finish that damn race, retire, and grab some buurrrssss. Me love Lora.

  15. Yeah sorry. I'm not sticking with you as much as I'd hoped. I started getting kinda bored and sometimes she left me so sore I didn't feel like I COULD do it the very next day. I'm still trying to run or go to the gym though.

  16. Sorry you're stuck in rut but I DO enjoy when you get to post. I'm just behind on reading cause work is busy here too. Good luck with your detox & exercising! I can't wait to see the results. You are too determined to give up now, so STICK WITH IT!
