Mar 11, 2013

Just Some Sentences

Just so you know:

1. My intern is out this week so work will be super busy with just me holding down the fort. I will blog, but they might all be short and sweet like this post.

2. I ran 10 miles on Saturday. Sorry, I just have to brag because that's the farthest I have EVER ran. I FINALLY feel as though I can manage the half in April. If I can run 10 miles alone then I know I can bust out 13.1 in a race. And seeing that I burned over 1,200 calories during that run, it's safe to say that I'm addicted to running now.

3. I hurt my knee running Saturday. This is normal for me...whenever I run I get bad shin splints (which didn't actually happen too badly Saturday) or my knees get fluid on them and hurt like a mother. My left knee, which is my good knee (I had surgery on my right one) has fluid on it now and was SUPER sore yesterday. I iced it and elevated it almost the entire day, so it's feeling a bit better today.

4. Because of said knee pain, I missed 2 days of the JM challenge. I am BEYOND dissappointed in myself because of this. I was doing SO WELL. And honestly, I got home around midnight Saturday night, and I was going to do the Shred. That's how determined I was to keep it going...and then I realized I could barely walk. Then yesterday, I started the video off, only to realize that the first jumping jack had me almost in tears. Not cool. I'm hoping that I can get back into it today. I'm not giving up.

5. My kids are out of town for spring break the ENTIRE week. Can you even believe that? FH and I won't even know what to do with ourselves all week....we can actually hold a conversation without getting interrupted. Strange.

I think that's all....maybe, I can't know for sure. I have about eleventy-billion things going on at once right now, but I couldn't just NOT blog a tiny bit. Hope you all have had a fantabulous weekend and are ready to get this week started off right!

Happy Monday! :) Pin It Now!


  1. Those long runs will take a lot out of you! Don't beat yourself up- rest is good! CONGRATS on the long distance! You are doing so well!

  2. You rock! One day I hope to be able to run that far. I need to get on it!

  3. 10 miles. That's amazing!! Great job Lora!

  4. Oh man, that knee pain sounds like a bummer! RICE it, lady!

  5. You are awesome! Hope your knee continues to get better. Excited about the FH post:)

  6. Congrats on your ten mile run! That's super impressive! And I hope your knee keeps getting better. :)

  7. Well since no one has asked FH a ? yet,... How do you feel about having a wife that blogs about -almost- everything? Are you ever opposed to anything or just completely supportive? :)

    That's awesome about your run! Hope your knee continues to get better.
    Y'all enjoy your childless week. :)


    THAAT is my question.

    sorry you have to work at work i hate when that happens!

  9. Congrats on the run. I feel you on the busy front! This past week I had midterms and essays due and Wednesday my 8 week psychology class starts. Busy mommies trying to stay fit is a tough job. Hope your knee feels better.

  10. Proud of you and your 10 miles!!! Yeah for an FH post :)

  11. 10 miles is amazing! Great job! I am so jealous of a week with no kids. I know you miss them, but it has to be a nice break.

  12. Awesome job on that run!!!! Careful with those knees. Take it easy when you need to, but I know it's exciting when you accomplish something so amazing!!! I too am without the kiddos for the week. Enjoy your week with FH!!!!
