Mar 25, 2013

Cause It's Not a Party until the Ambulance Shows Up

Remember that time that I had a skating party for my kids.....

...and I thought that no one was coming because apparently the letters R,S,V, and P mean nothing in the year 2013 so I continued to invite everyone I knew....

....and then every single kid on this side of the state came to said party?

Oh yeah, that was yesterday.

And remember how one little girl fell, but her parents weren't there, and she didn't know their phone number so we had to google to find it....

...and then the paramedics showed up to splint her broken elbow.....

...and her dad rushed her to the hospital and she had surgery the next morning to get pins put in her elbow. Remember that?

Other than stressing over running out of food and drinks, having people show up that I didn't even know since I let the ex invite some people for fear that no classmates could come, and the little girl that got seriously hurt....the party was a MAJOR success!

Oh yeah, and also I have zero pictures.
I understand if you want to unfollow me now because it's obvious that I'm the worst blogger ever.
But you see what happened was, I have a big ole otterbox case on my phone now. And an otterbox plus tight jeans just don't go together.
I normally have my phone on me 24/7, but not anymore since it won't fit in my pocket.

I'm pretty sure some other people got pics though so I hope to share them soon.....maybe.

We had a fabulous weekend.
The girls got a ton of stuff for their birthday.
It made me really miss the days when they were young and got cash or giftcards and they went straight to me.
Now they feel like they get to keep them. What's up with that?

It was also that type of weekend where you close your eyes and all of a sudden it's Monday.
I'm pretty sure I hardly sat down at all.
And I did not get enough quality FH time in at all.
I need a weekend in order to recover from my weekend.

Oh yeah, and I run a half in 2 weeks and I haven't ran in like 3 or 4 big deal. Also, I think it's snowing in StL now....please please please let it not be snowing when we run the half.
Cause that would be just wrong.
But then again, if I'm super duper slow {which I will be} then I can totes blame it on the snow.

Happy Monday Y'all! :)

Pin It Now!


  1. Ok, so I am glad I am not the only one who kept the cash and gift cards when Marley got those as gifts when she was little. I would get her something too.... Maybe sometimes, LOL:)

  2. Oh boy, ninja fail over here. I brought my camera and meant to take pics but it went by so quickly! Or maybe that was because of the screaming and paramedics? Either or. Anyways, I took several group pics and I will send you those when I get a chance!

  3. This made me laugh... hard. HILARIOUS!!!!

    1. BUT... I am sure glad everything went well besides some minor mishaps! ha

  4. Glad the party turned out pretty good. You could have snuck out a pair of skates to use in the half. Imagine some of the looks you would get.

  5. Blame it on rain yeah yeah!!! Do you know that song? Glad the girls had a great party! Happy Monday busy momma!!!

  6. eek! what a weekend!!! YOu got this! everyone needs abreak every now and again!!!

  7. Oh Lawdy! Sorry but I kinda laughed a little. I forgot that Aubree was leaving with my mom on Saturday to go to the beach or she would have been there. I think RSVP is a thing of the past. It makes me a little crazy.

  8. Oh my! I get so upset over people not RSVPing. It's just rude! You poor thing about the girl getting hurt. I would be a nervous wreck! I live in STL. The snow we got is not normal. The weather will probably be perfect!

  9. Sounds like y'all had a great time besides that poor little girl. What all did they get? And you have a new iPhone instead of a dinosaur. No excuses. : )

  10. I hate non RSVP'ers. What's so hard about it!

    I'm glad everything went well aside from the break!
