Sep 4, 2012

Weekend Update

Any weekend that ends on a Monday night is fine by me!
I LOVED having the extra day to spend time with my family this weekend but it makes it that much harder to get back into the real world this morning.

Friday night was Tennessee's first football game.
Can you feel my excitement?
{We interupt this marriage to bring you football season.}
No, but for real, I'm good with football season.
I LOVE going to sporting events.
I'm just not a TN fan and my husband is.
And so now are the girls.
They like to rub this in which is why when I went for a run friday afternoon, I got back to a house decorated with TN signs.
They put them all over the house, including the microwave, the fireplace, the walls, the doors, and even outside on the brick wall.
Wasn't that a fun idea?
At least the girls got a good giggle out of it.

Saturday morning we were completely lazy.
Just the way I like it.
I took the girls to get lunch at McDonalds and Alex whined for like an hour because her fries were tiny.
I just kind of ignored it because, well they are girls and they whine a lot.
But then when we got home and she showed them to me, I had to bite my lip not to laugh. I mean her fries were freaking tiny.
I made her take a picture and FH told her to hold a quarter up to them so you could see how tiny they are.
{It took us like 10 minutes to get them to understand what the quarter was for. I'm still not sure they got it.....}

I'm not hating on McDonalds for making their fries smaller.
For goodness sakes, they are responsible for half of America's obesity. lol But I just wish they would have warned us or something!

We planned for a great Saturday night.
We were going to take the girls to the Memphis football game.
{Yay! Go Tigers!!}
While I am not a TN fan, I am a HUGE fan of everything Memphis Tigers so I was excited.
The girls thought we were going to a TN game so they were excited too. Then somehow they got in their head that we were going to a Memphis basketball game. Then when they realized it was football and that it wasn't TN, they decided to not go. They spent the night with my mom instead. So much for a fun family outing!!!
And once they backed out, it was too late for FH&I to participate in any grown up tailgating.
We had fun anways!

Not to mention, I wasn't really a fan of the outfit that I had on.
I had to get ready really fast since we were running late.
So what does my fabulous husband do?
He drops me off at Old Navy so I can pick out something new to wear while he takes the girls to my mom's house.
The man is the greatest, I tell ya.
So, not only did we suddenly have a kid free night, but I also got a little shopping in and a cute new outfit. Win, win.
FH, in return, got a happy wife.

We may or may not have smuggle a few things in with us to the game.

Yes, that would be my makeup bag.
If you look closely, you will also see my umbrella.
This was a bigger ordeal than you would think.
You see, apparently, umbrellas aren't allowed in the stadium.
BUT we didn't know this until we had walked like a mile to get there.
You should also know that this little umbrella of mine is a great umbrella. You push a button and it pops up and I swear to you, it took me like 5 trips to Target to actually buy the thing.
{Because who really wants to spend money on an umbrella when it's not even raining?!}
So, anyways, they gave us the option of taking up our umbrella or we could "hide" it where a bunch of other people hid theirs.
Needless to say, I pitched a mini fit.
I did not want to give up my umbrella.
So, we "hid" it.
Then FH went back out and got it and threw it over the fence to me.
Mission accomplished.
You should know that I don't do things like this.
I swear, as he was throwing the umbrella over, I was picturing myself getting cuffed by the police and sent to jail for smuggling.
But all was well, and I had my umbrella.
Once again, how awesome is my husband?!

Sunday, we had a family get together for FH's mom's bday.
Then we went to Chuck E Cheese because we did NOT want to spend tons of money at the fair.
We always have great fun at C.E.C.
One of my favorite games is Deal or No Deal.

And somehow, the girls were dressed like twins.
That never really happens.

Then it was on to Cici's Pizza.
Because CEC pizza is disgusting.
This is what a fat kid's plate looks like at a buffet.

No, that wasn't mine.
Although mine looked pretty similar.

This girl, once you get her started laughing, it is impossible to get her to stop. I'm not even sure what she was giggling about.

Alex said she "Got her bling on! I'm engaged!"

Monday was spent doing pretty much NOTHING all day long.
The girls went to hang out with their Dad all day
and I spent the day reading my book.
It was great to just read and read and eat and read and read some more and eat some more.
{It's safe to say I was horrible on my diet this weekend.}

I am reading Gone Girl and it's so good!
Although it is making me think about getting killed and such, it's really keeping me on edge.
My favorite line of the whole book:

"Oh, here is the rest of my life. It's finally arrived."
Because that's how I felt when I met my husband.
All together now: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!

We ended the holiday weekend with a little bit of volleyball practice and some potato soup.
It was my first time making it and it was a success!
I know this because Kate said: "Mom, you should definately blog about this!" And made me take her picture.
{You know you blog too much when.......}

And now, onto the short work week.
I could REALLY get use to this!!

Happy Tuesday homies.
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  1. I just finished Gone Girl and I love it too but the ending will piss you off, I'm just warning you! :)

  2. Is that sweet and sour chicken with the potato soup? lol

  3. your girls are too cute! what's the potato soup recipe!? Looks delish!
