Sep 14, 2012

My Dearest Friday

Sometimes I wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy.
It's true.
We even kind of look alike.
No, but seriously, not so much.

I did however wake up feeling a little saucy {whatever that means} this morning and look at me now, writing a second post today.
My husband is gonna be so proud.

Let's link up for Friday Letters.

Dear gentlemen of Walmart, ok so maybe it's a tad bit chilly outside and it might even be sprinkling and I just happen to have on a white tshirt but there is really nothing to see here. Move along {and by move along I do NOT mean follow me into the frozen food section}. Dear Tigers, can we please get a W this weekend? I mean, my blood runs blue, my house has Tigers decorations on it, I'm putting my kids up for adoption next time I see them in orange. I'm really not sure what else you want from me.....Dear TN fans, it's just not cool the way you act all rednecky and put your bright orange with your camo. I'm just not a fan. Love you long time but don't come to my house talking about all this GBO nonsense. {love you husband} Dear husband, I know that when I go shopping now, you have more than one TV turned on football games and that you also have the radio turned on. I'm not mad at you for making our electric bill go up as long as you aren't mad at me for shopping the entire time you watch football. Dear overtime paycheck, I just can't wait to get you. Get in my wallet! Dear every single cute baby within a 25 or 30 mile radius, could you please slap some little baby cuteness my husband's way? I'm trying to convince him that it's time to get a new one of you and it's not like I can run to the store and just bring ya home on my own cause I totally would.
When, glad I got all that off my chest.
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1 comment:

  1. haha the people of walmart...

    Following you now! Happy Friday!! Stop by and say hello! :)
