Sep 6, 2012

Inspire Me Healthy- Week 382

Or just like week 6.
It just may or may not feel like that is how long I've been working towards getting healthy. And by "working" of course I mean complaining.
Details, details.

If you read this post yesterday, well, sorry.
I know it's good to voice my thoughts, that's what this whole blog thing is about. But I hope I didn't bring anyone down. It was very uninspiring. But I did get some very sweet motivating comments. So sorry I'm not THAT sorry. 

Today, I've got my plus size cheerleading uniform on and I'm ready to be inspired. This linkup always provides that so I'm ready.
I even have a little cheer prepared.

Rah, rah, ree
kick 'em in the knee.
Rah, rah, rass,
I need a smaller ass.

{cartwheels, toe touches, and other girly jazz handish things go here}

Follow the linkup to find some bloggers that are a little lot more inspiring than me!

All In My Twenties Pin It Now!


  1. I just read yesterdays post and girl you can do anything you put your mind to! Keep positive!

  2. I too feel like it's week 382. It's ok to be on a slow boat to fitness... as long as you're on the boat and not lying on the beach. There's a little metaphor for ya, hope you liked that. Just thought of it on the spot haha. Good luck girl!

  3. HA! I need one too! Stay'll get there! Happy New Follower...thru the Followers to Friends blog hop!

    Ramblings of a Southern Belle
