Sep 21, 2012

Dear Friday,

Dear weekend, it's really hard to get excited about your existence since I will be working during you. I will make up for it when I spend the overtime pay though, promise.

Dear Big Brother, I have made it two days after your finale and still don't know who won. I have no clue how I have managed to go without finding out. I'm trying so hard to stay in the dark until I can watch the finale this weekend. I owe this to busy schedules. Or maybe I just don't want it to end so I am okay with putting it off forever.

Dear husband, forget the rings and the I Do. You should feel more loved than ever that I have waited so that I can watch Big Brother. If that's not true love then I don't know what is.

Dear work, I'm pretty sure that next year, I am going to have to schedule maternity leave during September. I swear this has NOTHING to do with the fact that you make me work my butt off during this month every year. It is clearly just a coincidence.

Dear freezer, I'm sorry my husband left a soda in the ice maker. Apparently he forgot that it was soda and not beer since it exploded. Mt Dew ice anyone??

Dear couch to 10K app, I have no idea that you only required me to run 3 days a week. I can totally handle that. I thought you wanted me to run every day. Whew, what a relief. Now I can finally get past the first week and not feel like a failure.

Dear knees, please run with me and don't give me any BS. I would like a 13.1 sticker on my car before I'm like 90. If you could cooporate, that would be great. And if you at least just give me a royal effort and don't whine too much. I'll just go buy us one of those dang stickers. No one has to know, just keep it between you and me. We can totally pencil in "psyche" under the 13.1 real tiny like. But first we should make sure that is how you actually spell that word. #stepintothe80s

Dear emails, can't you just answer yourself??

Happy Friday homies!

Just Because Friday
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1 comment:

  1. Oh, you wanna know who won BB? It was totally....just kidding. I haven't seen the very end yet either. I saw who the final two are on accident. So then I watched to that point but I'll have to watch the rest this weekend.
