See that bandwagon over there?
I guess it's time I jump on it.
{sings song "jump on it, jump on it"}
I have recently gotten a good bit of new followers (hey y'all) so I thought we should all just sit around and talk for a bit.
So come on over to my house pull up a computer and a glass of jager coffee and let's talk.
And when I say "let's talk", I kind of mean "let's talk about me".
If you really knew me, you'd know that:
I am a perfectionist.
I make my bed EVERY SINGLE DAY. And actually, when I say that, I really mean that my husband makes our bed every single day. He loathes it, I know, but he also knows that I can't stand to come home to an unmade bed. And since as I am getting out of bed, he is getting in the bed (he works nights), he has developed the habit of making it. I'm pretty sure in his previous bachelor pad there was NEVER a bed made, like ever. #teachinganolddognewtricks
It's kind of a weird thing, I mean, even when I wash the sheets, I make the bed so you can't tell the sheets are gone.
I have recently developed a love for cooking and trying new recipes. Thank you blogging and pinterest.
I love to workout.
I also love to eat. Like really bad food. This completely overrides the previous mention about working out.
It's kind of an inside joke with my friends. Cause you can make anything into a hashtag and it becomes slightly funnier. My husband thinks it's ridiculous. But we think we are cool.
I am scared to death of mice. Like for reals, if you want to scare me, put a mouse in my house and I will put it up for sale faster than you can say "You're a sissy".
I'm never ever sarcastic. Like ever. I'm never a smart a$$ either.
I die when I see bad grammer. Or the word "ain't".
In another life, I would like to be a coach. And a dentist. And a realtor. And a stay at home mom.
Apparently, I am not good at making decisions. No, but actually, I am. I just want to be a professional everything so it's hard for me to decide on one thing. Hence the whole I went back to college to get a second degree and change my entire career path thing.
I'm loud. Like really really in-your-face-shut-the-frak-up kind of loud.
My kids inherited this trait from me. #poorFH
I'm an annoying morning person. Like jump on the bed and dance around the room even though it's 5AM kind of morning person.
I kind of love school. So I guess I'm a nerd. Or maybe I just heard the phrase "the more you know, the more you grow" too much. Or maybe I just like money so I want to learn so I can make more money. Either way.
I have twins. (In case you've been living under a rock somewhere.)
Yes, they were a surprise. I wasn't planning for one and I got two. They are expensive. And fun. And I wouldn't cry if I had a second set of them. {although my husband and my bank account would.}
I luuuuuurrrrveee emails. And blog comments. And facebook and instagram. And I'm trying to love twitter but I just don't really get it because I feel like I'm talking to myself.
I live in a neighborhood with old people so I'm trying to get all my friends to buy houses by me. It's a work in progress.
My mom is the coolest person that I know. She dresses so cute that most people think I'm adopted.
I can pick out clothes better than Stacy from What Not To Wear. Okay, not so much better but at least as good as....the problem is, I can't wear them. #fatgirlproblems I've been known to assist my friends in picking out their wardrobes. So, basically, I'm a good shopping friend.
I'm a huge Memphis Tigers fan.
I am competitive. I mean like REALLY competitive. Anything you can do, I can do better. Just ask my husband. He'll tell you about how I drive him crazy.
I make lists. Like a lot.
People that work with me think that I'm quiet. People that don't work with me and actually know me think this is completely hilarious. I am far from quiet.
I live out in the country. Way too far from Target. My husband insists that we have saved a ton of money since he moved me away from Target. I disagree because now when I actually get to one, I have to make up for lost time.
I have baby fever. Actually, at this point, it's more like baby pneumonia. I'm working on getting FH sick with this too. Surely it's contagious, right?!
I think that every blog post needs pictures. But I blog at work so I don't always have time for pictures. So sue me.
Speaking of pictures, I think that school pictures are the worst and I never really buy them. I just take pictures of them.
**please ignore my thumb**
You know those claw machines, where you win those stuffed animals?
I am a freaking ninja at them and can win them with my eyes closed. No, but really.
**won this yesterday. not the kid, the bear**
My kids are hilarious. I'm convinced that we have more fun than the average family. If you disagree, and you think your family has more fun, can we please be friends? There's a house beside me that's for sale....just sayin.
My husband used to work for Chipendales is a total studmuffin.
I can't see to drive at night. So if you ever ride with me at night, remind me to put my glasses on. Or if it's raining. Actually, if it's raining, you should probably just go ahead and offer to drive.
I really like to be in charge. In other words, I'm kind of bossy.
I LOVE to read. Especially series. If you know a good book that you just couldn't live without reading, please tell me! Hunger Games-ish, Harry Potter-ish, anything vampire-ish, romatic-ish, 50 Shades of Grey.......just give me a book, and my husband a football game to watch and we can sit for hours.
Taco Bell is my BFF.
I love my husband more than the average person. It's kind of annoying I'm sure. But I love it. I just realize that I've been blessed with him so I try to never take him for granted.
Ok, enough about me. Tell me about you.
{And please don't make me look like a fool by not getting any comments.} Leave me a comment to say hi. Tell me how your family is cooler than mine or how you can beat me in a race {them's fighting words right there}.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and checking me out.
Happy Tuesday Fruitcakes!
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