Feb 22, 2011

What's Been going down in our hood......

According to my friend Tiffanie, I am slacking on my blogging. She informed me that she needed new reading material.....and I am never one to let down a friend in need. So this blog is meant to inform you on what's been going down in our hood.....and mainly, what's been going down is that we are looking for a new hood! Who knew house hunting was such hard work?! Although, I do have to admit that when your boyfriend is the realtor, it's not exactly that bad! In fact, once we do get settled into a house, I'm not really sure what Michael and I will do on Sunday afternoons! Hopefully, we will find out soon enough.

Basketball has ended for K&A, and I am extremely sad about that (but slightly excited about getting my Saturday mornings back!). And now....you guessed it! It's softball time!!!! I do regret to inform you that Alex has decided to sit this year out. I would be lying if I told you that I wasn't trying with every bone in my body to convince her otherwise. The mom in me is calmly thinking "She should just do her own thing" while my real inner self is screaming "IF YOU SIT OUT NOW, HOW WILL YOU EVER GET A COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP????" and also "I'VE DREAMED ABOUT A PITCHER/CATCHER TWIN COMBO SINCE THE DAY YOU WERE BORN!!!!"......don't worry, so far I haven't let the inner self take over the mom (yet). They are both doing a softball camp this Saturday at school though so I am hoping that the TRA Lady Rebels will just be sooo cool that she will want to grow up and be just like them and decide that she can't possibly skip out this year. But if not, I'll be fine. I hope. At least only one of them is (thinking of) ditching **yes, I'm in denial**. If Kate decided that she didn't want to play either.....well then, I would have to start a new blog documenting my journey through adopting. :-)

Dear Tiffanie,
For some reason, you must think that my life is a little more interesting than it is. Because I just don't have anything fun to talk about today! I will do better next time, I promise. Hopefully, the next post will have a picture of a new house.......

This Monday was President's Day. The girls had to go to school to make up a snowday. And guess who was off work?!? Oh Happy Day!!!! It was great to sit at home in the silence and do nothing. I will leave you with a picture that Alex gave me today....

I can't for the life of me get this picture to turn (don't judge my computer skills!!). But as you can see, the picture says "Happy Presented Day!"
**in case you don't speak 7.5 year old, that means Happy Presidents Day!!**
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