Feb 9, 2011

More snow??? Say it ain't so!!

There's nothing like footprints in the sand on a warm sunny day.....
Unfortunately, we haven't seen sand or warm sunny days in awhile, for us it's nothing but big snowboot footprints on cold snowy days.

Now, I refuse to diss the snow....any opportunity for a "get out of work" free pass is a good thing in my book. BUT while I am dreaming of curling up with a book and hot chocolate in front of a warm fire, double trouble is dreaming of layers and layers of clothes, snow sleds, long walks, and way too many climbs back up the hill after sledding. Sledding was a good time today though. And although there was no school, we did learn a few lessons that us country gals weren't aware of.

Lesson #1: it is important to wait til AFTER it finishes snowing before you go outside to sled. If you don't, you can barely keep your eyes open, your cheeks get windburned, and you will be quite miserable. Not to mention, the cute pics that you were gonna take while bundled up end up looking a lot like this......

**Don't worry, they were able to breathe even though you can't see their mouths. I made sure of this, mainly because had they of passed out, I would have had to carry them back home. and seeing as how I could barely feel my legs, I wasn't gonna be carrying anyone. There was also an added benefit in the fact that they had to keep their mouths covered.....or at least I thought there would be, but guess I should have expected that it would take a lot more than that to keep those loud mouths from running 90 miles an hour. In fact, their loud factor was only increased because they had to speak over the snowstorm. I am sure all of the people resting inside their homes enjoyed hearing "those loud kids that belong to the neighbors"....

Lesson #2: Now this is a BIG lesson. I am not sure if you are all prepared for this and I know this tidbit of information may be quite shocking to some of you out there. But I feel it is my duty to relay this information so that more people will know this well kept secret. Today, we realized (wait for it.....), that ACTUAL SLEDS WORK A LOT BETTER THAN THE TOP TO THE TRASHCAN. shocking, i know. you should probably sit back and close your eyes to let this incredible discovery settle in so that you can digest it. it's true. My mom bought 2 sleds today and they might as well have had an engine on the back of them because we were moving at lightning speed. In fact, when I went down one hill, I am pretty sure that the only person that could possibly rival my speed would have to be Chevy Chase in National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.

Lesson #3: Alex thinks it is hilarious to try and block a sledder so that they don't get farther than she did. I am not sure if I can accurately describe this so that you can get a good visual (my phone died so there wasn't a pic, plus I couldn't feel my hands anyways so not sure that I would have been capable of taking a pic), but let me see if I can put this into words......my mom was sledding down the hill, alex decided she wanted to get in front of her to stop her. there was a collision, arms and legs went everywhere. there was some laughter and then some discipline involving "do you know you could have broken your neck??", but the best part (please don't judge my parenting skills when you read what I am about to say, I am only human and funny is funny, I don't care who ya are) was when the actual collision took place. My mom and her sled knocked Alex's feet out from under her and she went FLYING into the air. It was great. But of course I threw in the **insert stern parental voice here** "don't you ever do that again young lady!"

Lesson #4: If you know me, you know that I grew up in the country. Now I am by no means much of a cowgirl or anything like that, but compared to most of my friends, I am a bit country. With that being said, growing up, we always thought we had the BEST sledding hills. I mean, throw a girl out in the pasture and give her a sled (or trashcan top) and she's got a day full of fun. The lesson that I dun gone and learned myself lately (my best country accent, in case you were confused) is that the pasture ain't got nothing on this here fancy golf course. My mom and stepdad live on a golfcourse and they have THE BEST HILLS!!! Just like a pasture, it's only a few feet from the house. But the major factor that makes it one step above the pasture.......there's no, ummm how can I put this nicely, there's no surprises waiting to be stepped on if ya get what I'm sayin! Nothing but grass under all that snow!

Lesson #5: This is the final lesson that I learned today. If you are gonna go sledding, make sure you remind your daughters that their voices carry and everyone within a 10 mile radius can hear them. Then, you can maybe avoid listening to someone like Alex, slide down the hill, screaming at the top of her lungs "there's snow in my panties!!"...and yes, she said it just about every trip she made down the hill.

That's all the lessons for today. School has already been cancelled for tomorrow so who knows what we will find out with the adventures that are to come. oh yeah, I forgot one more lesson. I know when you are snowed in, everyone eats a little bit more than normal. I didn't know that this affected kids too. Kate summed it all up when she came downstairs and told me she needed something to eat. I asked her how she could be hungry when she ate not too long ago. Her response: "I'm hungry because I'm bored and don't have anything else to do so I want to eat." I think that about sums up how everyone feels while they are snowed in. Wisdom beyond her years.......

I'll leave you with the last of my snow pics from today.....Y'all come back now, ya hear?!?

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