Feb 1, 2011

spare the rod, spoil the child.....

I believe in spankings. Maybe I am old fashion. But when I think about being in trouble when I was a kid, I can remember being spanked but being grounded is not something that I remember. And I would like to think that I turned out pretty well (luckily no second opinions are required here-hey, it's my blog so I guess my opinion is the only one that counts here......).

Tonight, Kate got in trouble. This has been happening a lot lately. For some reason, the two of them just can't seem to get along. They were in the bathtub and I told Kate that when she got out of the bathtub, she would be getting a spanking. **I am very aware that the anticipation of that spanking was probably worse than the actual spanking. Boy, am I glad I am finally the spanker and not the spankee anymore!!**

When I came back in the room to check on her, this is what I found........

I know what you are thinking....she must have gained 5 pounds since you saw her last........Nope, she was just "prepared" for her spanking. She has on 3 pairs of pants, a long sleeve shirt, and a night gown tucked in for extra coverage. I am not really sure what kind of spanking she was expecting a long sleeve shirt to cushion, but nevertheless, I had to give her credit for being smart enough to plan ahead for that dreadful spanking that was coming.....

***Please note: Kate did not receive a spanking tonight. It is a little bit difficult to spank a child when you are laughing and taking pictures. Please also note that this tactic worked for her this time, but it will not work again. Next time I WILL be sticking to my guns.*** Pin It Now!

1 comment:

  1. I realize this post is ooolllddd, but I am a new follower and I was just getting updated (aka stalking) to see what your "story" was! Anywho, I'm your future bff (@katsweb09 on instagram and mamasgettinreal.blogspot.com), and mama to 6 year old twin boys. I literally LOLed at this to the point I had tears. First because your girls are precious and the pictures alone are too cute and funny. Second because I like how she was thinking! And third because we had a similar experience with one of my boys, but I wasn't a (wannabe) blogger at that point and it's not documented! Anywho, I'm looking forward to catching up on the rest of your posts and I'm sure enduring many many more laughs at the expense of your precious children :)
