Jun 2, 2015

Tummy Tuesday #5

How far along? 17 weeks

Sleep? pretty good lately. just not enough of it. Sometimes I feel like I need an entire day
to catch up on sleep. :)

Maternity clothes? obviously.

Best moment this week? dropping K&A off at Wilderness Camp. they are going to have so much fun! but I already miss them and doubt I will get to talk to them until we pick them up Saturday. Oh and also, the other day I walked a little over 2 miles. It felt amazing! I hate being slow, but I'm glad I got out there and did it. I'm going to try to do this about 3 times a week, in addition to my daily 2 miles at work.

Miss anything? seeing the number on the scale go down instead of up.

Movement? a few times I have thought I felt a few flutters, but not well enough to be sure it's actually the baby.

Size of the baby? an onion, 5.9 ounces. I feel like that's a big difference from last week!

Food cravings? chocolate milk daily still. and this week I made cupcakes because I had a craving....
which is great and all except the girls aren't here to help me eat them.

Morning sickness? none

Gender? :)

Bed rest? nope

Limitations? just the normal ones. I can't do anything very quickly nowadays, which I hate.

Pregnancy Symptoms? my back aches all the time. Especially after spending about 5 hours in the car on Sunday. By the time I recover from that roadtrip, it will be time to head back to pick the girls up!

Wedding rings? still on.

Looking forward to? I'm so excited to have our big ultrasound on Friday! It's been awhile since we have seen our baby and I can't wait to see how he/she has grown. Also, it will be nice to know that all parts are there and in working order. :) Also, getting the girls back home. They drive me nuts when they are home, but I sure miss them the second that they leave!

Happy Tummy Tuesday!

PS This girl right here. Every single day that she sees me, she says "How's our baby?"
I'm pretty sure she thinks this is her baby, I'm just growing it. :)
Love the way she loves her big sister role. She also has at least 10 pictures of Harper
in her room hanging up.

I love the way she loves. Pin It Now!


  1. Love the updates, and grow baby, grow! Praying for a healthy pregnancy!

  2. I am so glad things are going well for ya'll! My prediction is that you are carrying a girl. Guess we will know in a few months!
