Aug 1, 2013

Life Lessons

While I'm growing this human, I'm learning things about life.
Mainly, that life is a miracle.
How cool is it that God created this tiny tiny little poppy seed sized human in my stomach that will grow into a baby?
It baffles my mind everytime that I think about it.

Another life lesson that I've learned?
We should never compare ourselves to others.
Pregnant or not, this should be the case.
But I've had to remind myself of this over the last couple of months.

You see, I'll never be that tiny pregnant girl who barely shows.
I'll always be the one that hears "Are you sure it's not twins?!"
And I'm okay with that. Or at least I'm trying to be.

This big ole belly of mine might not be pretty.
Cankles are not exaclty attractive. {Understatement of the year.}
Sausage fingers bursting out of a wedding ring are not desirable.
Maternity clothes are only cute if you aren't limited to them.
Or if you don't think about the fact that you are spending $20 on a shirt that won't fit you long.
4,876,952 trips to the bathroom in a one hour span is not something to be jealous of.

But that tiny girl, the one who is pregnant and still looks absolutely amazing?
She probably has a back that aches too.
She might cry in the dressing room when trying on a pair of maternity jeans.
Even if she is just upset about moving from an x-small to a small.
Being pregnant is hard.

But it's a beautiful thing.

It's not always easy to get a bun in your oven.
Please don't tell my daughters this. I would like them to realize that it could easily happen at any time at least until they reach the age of 30.
And of course, it can happen at any time....just ask the younger version of myself.
But it doesn't happen easily for everyone.

Millions of women would sacrifice all that they have just to have these cankles I am sportin'.
Not exaclty the cankles, but the oven cooking a bun anyways.
Many women try for years without success.

Women like that remind me how blessed I am.
So no, I can't move quickly anymore.
I don't enjoy getting dressed up and I sure as heck would cut off my left leg before I stepped on a scale in front of my husband.
But I will appreciate every single moment of this journey.
It's a privilege to have an expanding belly.
Stretch marks are something to be proud of.
Not necessarily something that everyone needs to see though. Don't be fooled.

I will ignore the comments on how big I am already.
I'm very aware that I am super-sized.
But I'm just giving my little half pound baby tons of room to grow.
That makes me a good mom, right?
I will enjoy having an excuse to be lazy right now. Not often can I avoid dirty dishes just
because standing on my feet a long time hurts.
I will try to refrain from crying every other day. I think it makes my poor husband nervous.

And most of all, I will look back on this time and realize that it was all worth it.
Every lb gained. Every tear shed. Every stupid outfit that I'm busting out of.
Every night I avoided sleeping on my back. Every single second that I felt miserable.

It will be worth it.

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  1. I love this post so much!!! You are so right and you are helping God create a miracle. Who cares how much weight you gain? It'll be over soon and you'll be back to your old self in no time. Enjoy this time! Especially if its the last time you'll be pregnant!

    I think you are beautiful!!

  2. I love every one of your blog posts! Please don't ever stop being awesome.

  3. You are so very right! You are experiencing a miracle. Something some may never. You enjoy every moment, if that's possible! And personally, I think you are a GORGEOUS pregnant woman!!!

  4. Love!!! I loved being prego for the simple fact, I got out of doing everything because my Hubs did it all! Enjoy every second of it!

  5. I Love this Post cause I feel the same way! You inspired me with the Tummy Tuesday posts and pics to actually post pics of my growing belly on my instagram @MJOJOWATKINS (since I don't blog). I regret not taking pics of my growing belly with my other 2 now but I am happy I will have these to look back at later. I also feel like I look Huge and Hurt but Love that I am growing a little miracle! You look Great! Keep up the Good Work!

  6. embrace the experience, it's a miracle and it should be enjoyed! I was that same momma, too, that was asked hourly if I was carrying twins. That can be hard at times, but those two sweet baby boys I had made it so worthwhile I wouldn't trade it for the world! So, I wish you a very happy and healthy remaining pregnancy and I hope you get out of doing LOTS of things while you can! :)

  7. You are a great mom and a beautiful pregnant woman!! Even with all the weight I gained and how much exercise I didn't do and how much I ate....If I had it all to do again I don't think I would do it differently. You are right- it is the one time to be lazy and it be ok. Or even to cry at the drop of hat and it be ok. SOAK IT ALL UP AND TAKE IT ALL IN!

  8. First of all, you look absolutely gorgeous.
    And second of all, as a woman who is struggling with non-cooperative lady bits and such, this post made me tear up. There are so many women who take such extreme advantage of the ability to have a baby that it makes me innnnsane. I see it every day with tramps on my FB. I can't tell you how often I'll hear or read something someone said & the "at least you can get pregnant" thought crosses my mind in every month.
    I love and am genuinely happy for those who treat it as a gift, because it is. Of course you know that though. ;)

    I'm so happy for you, just enjoy it all! :)

  9. I love this post :) I'm very happy for you and think you're a great mom!
