Aug 6, 2013

Tummy Tuesday #10

Can we just discuss how much I am starting to hate Tummy Tuesday?
Not so much the update, I like keeping up with everything.
But mainly the Tummy Tuesday pic!!
For some reason, I always go to take this pic when I'm lookin a hot mess.
Which is understandable since 9 times out of 10 I look a hot mess these days.
So the odds of being all cute and dressed up are not in my favor.
At all.

But I have to give the fans what they want. And fans want pictures.
Hear that Mom? This pic is for you.

Moving along.

How far along? 19 weeks ALMOST HALFWAY THERE!!!

Sleep? Not horrible. I feel like it's been a little better lately.

Best moment this week? That would definitely have to be yesterday.
I was full of energy for some reason. I have no idea where it came from but
I had to take FULL advantage of it while it lasted.
I had a list of errands and I completed it after work. That never happens.
It's normally so hot that I just want to run home to the air conditioner.
I went to the grocery store.
I cleaned out our fridge.
I cleaned both bathrooms.
And then I went for a wog. (walk/jog)
I haven't ran any since my half in April (when I didn't realize I was pregnant).
Since then, I have been walking every work day about 2 miles.
That is the full extent of my exercise.
Sad, but true.
Last night, I planned to do 3 miles.
I walked 98% of the time and I did a jog/bounce that was super slow
for like 5 seconds every 10 minutes or so.
It was kinda sad. I was really slow.
I even got shin splints.
I never thought I would be excited to have shin splints, but it was a reminder of
how much I miss running.
I didn't even make it 2 miles since it was so humid.
Also, I knew that I was going to regret this later on so I stopped.
But I'm so glad I got moving and broke a sweat.
I'm hoping I can start doing this more often.

I would have never posted this time before pregnancy...but now, I'm just happy that
my heartrate monitor even fit around my body. I almost forgot which buttons to push
on this thing it's been so long since I used it.

Miss anything? Shin splints....apparently. Feeling the burn.

Movement? Yes, lots lately. I love it! It sure does throw me off though when he
is moving and I'm trying to walk. Very distracting but in a good way.

Size of the baby? my app still says a mango, which is weird because that's
what it said last week. I guess it's a bigger mango now? 6.5 inches, 10 oz

I think someone should update this app so that it has better comparisons.
Can't you just say that my baby is the size of an iphone or something like that?
Would give my kids a better idea, just sayin'.

Food cravings? Nothing major, but I find it kinda hilarious that I NEED protein.
If you know FH, you know why this is funny. The man will carry a Muscle Milk
in his back pocket for a snack. He craves protein. And so I know I am growing his kid....
protein to me now is like spinach to Popeye.

In fact, I found this picture and just had to post it. Sorry for the repost if you follow
me on IG {and if you don't follow me on IG, then what is wrong with you??}
Also, I totally stole this pic from someone. Sorry 'bout that.
This is definately a mini FH.

Pumpin' iron.
Gender? Boy.
Bed rest? Nope.
Limitations? I hate clothes. That is all.
Pregnancy Symptoms? Swollen like a fat kid.
Wedding rings? Over the weekend I took them off. This was SO SAD to me.
I can still get them on, I just have a hard time getting them off.
And my fingers really swell up when I walk.
Since they were bothering me, I just went ahead and took them off.
I hate not wearing them....but I would hate it more if they got stuck on!
A told me that since I took them off, cute boys were going to flirt with me.
I told her that I had a big ole pregnant belly so they probably wouldn't.
She said, no, they still will. They'll just think you're fat.
Thanks A. Thanks a lot.
Looking forward to? Hopefully having more energy! I would LOVE it
if yesterday was a new everyday feeling instead of a one day thing. :)
Happy Tummy Tuesday Y'all!!
It will be Christmas time (and Baby Harper time) before I know it!
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  1. First of all. WOG = hilarious. Totally what I do too, except more of walking and less of jogging. Every time I start bouncing I immediately have to pee so I'm doing more low-impact stuff.

    Secondly, I loved that A said boys would hit on you and just think you're fat... Awesome. haha! You know there are some guys who LOVE pregnant women... so beware! haha! Some of my friends went and got fake rings while they were pregnant...

    I'm glad you're feeling better this week! You look amazing and I can't believe we are already half way there. It's going by too quickly.

  2. WOG! I love this! I'm a wogger and not even pregnant!!! I am so happy that you are half way there but it stresses me out seeing the weeks twindle. It's a constant reminder that Christmas is almost here and I'm broke as a joke!

  3. Good for you for taking advantage of all of your energy yesterday!!!

  4. I got a nice fake CZ right when I was pregnant since mine stopped fitting around 20 weeks...and I would totally sign up for an app that gives practical baby sizes ;) Ha!

  5. I always had this irrational "fear" that the ladies at the doctor's office would judge me for not having a wedding ring on when I was pregnant. Silly, but true! I think I had to take mine off right around 20 weeks too.

  6. I love this!!! It is so fun sharing this experience w/ others and seeing where everyone's progress is compared to mine!!! I need to take a tummy pic but keep putting it off. AFterall, it's mostly just my fat being pushed up and out by the baby. :) Not complaining,tho!

  7. I'm glad you had a little energy surge! You look great!
