Aug 15, 2013

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Okay so this morning, I have been doing a bit of blog stalking.
I can't help it, when a blog I like, I have to backread.
Especially when I find another pregnant momma.
So this post idea came from this adorable pregnant lady.

Just some random questions which is always a good thing when you
don't know what to blog about.....

1. Do you like blue cheese? negative.

2. Have you ever smoked a cigarette? Nope. If I were into stinking,
having a bad voice, and cancer then I'd probably try it. But luckily, I'm not.
And I'm not even just saying that because my kids will read this one day.
Smoking is BAD kids!!

3. Do you own a gun? There are 2 BB guns in my house. One pink, one
brown. They don't get used often...and unless a can robs my house, they
won't help any...empty coke cans are all that have been shot at with them.

4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? None. But now that
I am pregnant, I drink a lot of Root Beer (caffeine free!) and do you know
how weird it is to order a Route 44 Root Beer? Especially when you
prounounce "route" like "root".....

5. Do you get nervous about doctor's appointments? Yes, always. At
least until they weigh me. After that is over with, I'm good. :)

6. Do you like hot dogs? The thought of them disgusts me...but they
are kinda good so yes, I guess.

7. What do you prefer to drink in the mornings? root beer. and when
not pregnant SWEET TEA!!

8. Can you do pushups? Sure can.

9. What's your favorite meal? It's a toss up between Mexican and pizza.
I'm real healthy, obviously.

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? my wedding ring

11. Favorite hobby? lately, eating. But normally any kind of sports or
just anything that involves competition. I'll totally win. Unless it involves
swimming. I'm a stupid slow swimmer.

12. Do you work with people that idiolize you? Of course, my friends Amy, Amy, and
Candi think I am the greatest gift to our building?
And of course I'm not just saying that because they read my blog....

13. Name a trait that you hate about yourself? no patience. AT ALL.

14. Middle name? Elise.

15. Name 3 thoughts at this moment. I'm hungry. Is it time to leave work yet?
Is this tshirt too small for my baby bump?

16. Name 3 things you bought yesterday. new notebooks for K&A.
candy for K&A. Cheez-its for me.

17. Name 3 drinks you drink regularly. root beer, water.....and I guess
anything that FH is drinking I normally still a sip of. :)

18. Current worry right now? Will I ever stop gaining weight??

19. Current hate right now? People who feel the need to be brutally
honest about how big I you think I don't realize this??

20. Favorite place to be? off work

21. How did you bring in New Years? more than likely I was sleeping...

22. Favorite place to go? the lake or the river. I love the sun!

23. What is your most recurring dream? I don't have one. Is that
weird? I hardly ever even remember mine...unless FH does something
mean in my dream, then I wake up mad at him. {sorry about that!}

24. Introvert or extrovert? extrovert

25. What color shirt are you wearing? charcoal Go Tigers shirt!

26. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I don't think I have ever
slept on any...but I love me some cotton sheets. The softer the better.

27. Can you whistle? a sad, pathetic little whistle, yes

28. There was no question for #28.....weird.

29. Favorite color? Green.

30. Would you be a pirate? Only if I could still brush my teeth.
Do pirates get to do that? Oh and there would be no bird near my shoulder.

31. What songs do you sing in the shower? None really. I prefer
baths and I stay in there way too long to sing. I like to read then though.

32. Favorite girl's name? Rosemary

33. Favorite boy's name? Harper.....duh.

34. Who is your loudest friend? I hate to admit this but I'm pretty
sure that I'm the loudest.

35. What's in your pocket right now? nothing at all. That's what
my purse is for.

36. Last thing that made you laugh? a commercial for KMart that
someone posted on their blog.

37. Bed sheets as a child? absolutely no idea. I can tell you though
that I had a day bed and I slept on the trundle bed so I never had to
make my bed, I just rolled it back underneath. #genius

38. Worst injury you ever had? I tore my ACL playing basketball
and had to sit out my entire Junior year. Life has never been the same.

39. Do you love where you live? Most definitely!!

40. How many TVs are in your house? 4. But none of them get
watched as much as the iPad does.

41. What is your worst habit? Biting my lip.

42. How many dogs do you have? 0. I don't do animals. I have enough
humans to take care of at my house.

43. Does someone have a crush on you? I'm thinking FH might.

44. Do you own slippers? Yep, somewhere in the back of my closet.

45. What is your favorite book? I have no idea. I read WAY too many
and too much to have a favorite. Not to mention, normally as soon as
I get done with a book, I forget what happened in it.

46. What is your favorite candy? Currently, Airheads. But I LOVE
me some candy.

47. What is your favorite sports team? I bleed blue. Memphis Tiger
fan all the way....even when we aren't that good.

48. What song do you want played at your funeral? Ummm, I have
no idea. Maybe that Cups song?? "cause you're gonna miss me when I'm

49. What were you doing at midnight last night? Probably headed
towards my 2nd or 3rd trip to the bathroom....

50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up
this morning? Do I really need to wash my hair?

MAN! That was long...and probably pointless.
But I love when blogs are spelled out with questions. :)

Hope everyone is having a happy Thursday!

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  1. I'm probably going to steal this!

  2. Or wait, have I done it already!?!

  3. Love some Q&A. I might do this too, but I'm way to tired to even think about answering questions.....maybe tomorrow.....I'm really just lazy, but I'm blaming it on the pregnancy. :)

  4. mmm Mexican and pizza are two of my favorites, too! and I agree... the scale is the worst part about the doctors appts!
