Jun 25, 2013

Tummy Tuesday #4

Tummy Tuesday!!!

Let me start off by saying a few things today.

1. I took a tummy tuesday pic this morning, but I have at least 45 chins in the picture so I'm not posting it. Yes, I know, by next week I will probably have 46 chins, but I will have to find a better angle. :)

2. My work blocked me from Bloglovin'. Oh the horror!!!! So if you don't receive any blog comment lovin from me, it's not because I'm not reading...it's because I'm reading from my phone and it's just too complicate to comment on my phone.

Okay, time for the weekly update!

How far along? 13 weeks. I feel like time is flying by!

Sleep? awful. and I know it will just get worse. But FH bought me a maternity body pillow which should come in the mail today or tomorrow, so I'm hoping that helps.

Maternity clothes? yes, yes, and yes. I guess the good news is that since I am in them so early, I will get lots of use out of them.

Best moment this week? going to the doctor today and hoping this is the best moment! we should hear the heartbeat and I am praying that she has my test results back so she can tell us the results in person.

Miss anything? the sun. I laid out this weekend and I only lasted about 30 minutes. I got burnt and the heat seriously kills me....normally by now I have a great tan, but this summer I'm vampire-status.

Movement? I swear that on Friday I felt movement. I know it's kinda early, but I read that with your second pregnancy, you can feel it a lot sooner since you know what it feels like. It was such a cool feeling!

Size of the baby? a lemon

Food cravings? pizza, all day, errday. still not loving Mexican food, poor FH.

Morning sickness? nope

Gender? finding out this week! I still feel like it's a boy, but I have honestly decided I am super good either way. I would love a boy because FH needs another man in the house.....but I know exactly what to do with a girl. Plus I love the idea of 3 sisters, even if they are 10 years apart. Not to mention, I have tons of girl clothes already...

Bed rest? no. but I do nap a lot still.

Limitations? I cannot move fast. I sat on the floor last night while online shopping and I swear it took me an hour to get back up. My back kills me when I lay down or sit on the floor so I have to wait until the pain goes away to get up. It makes me feel like I am 900 years old.

Pregnancy symptoms? just my back.

Wedding rings? I've been tempted to take them off since I try to walk often and each time I walk, my fingers swell a good bit. But I'm just not ready to give them up yet.

Looking forward to? finding out the gender! And finding out the results of the downs test.

That's all for now! Happy Tuesday! Pin It Now!


  1. I was kind of sad there was no picture! You're just adorable!!

  2. I'm sure you do NOT have 45 chins! Post the picture, woman!!! If I can post every week then so can you!!! :)

  3. I'm with the other commenters...post the pic! :) Also, I LOVED my maternity pillow!!! It took up at least half the bed, but it was amazing and really helped me sleep better.

  4. Oh man! I was looking forward to the tummy picture!!!!! Can't wait to find out when Little Young is!

  5. I am so happy for you lady! Love keeping up with the baby progress...and you do NOT have 45 chins lol

  6. I'm still loving my Snoogle so I hope you have good luck with your pillow.

    Post the pic!

  7. Mine got blocked too... but I still have the BB blog! Praise JESUS!!
