Jun 5, 2013

Things We Aren't Going to Talk About

Things we aren't going to talk about today:

1. how much weight I gained over the last four weeks.

2. the fact that I just burnt my poptart in the toaster. I didn't even know  that was possible.

3. my poor husband that doesn't realize that he is going on a maternity diet with me. The maternity diet consists of not eating everything in sight.

4. my best friend lost her Aunt two nights ago and my heart is just breaking for her and her family. Death is all around awful but when it is completely unexpected and kids are involved, it takes on a whole new level.

5. there is a blogger meetup this friday night and I have nothing to wear. not to mention, y'all know bloggers take 400 pictures per second. I'm hoping I can volunteer to take the pictures and that will get me off the hook of actually being in them.

Things we can talk about today:

1. the ultrasound yesterday went perfect!!!! the little dude (or dudette) was waving at us and moving like crazy. It was such a shock because we weren't expecting to see that.

2. FH as a dad. it should come as a shock to NO ONE that he is going to be an amazing dad....he rocks the stepdad role like nobody's business. but just hearing him talk about this baby is amazing. I tried to tell him he didn't have to go to the next doctor's appointment with me since there would be no ultrasound and he looked at me like I was crazy.

3. this one is totally random. you've been warned. let's talk about how almost 85% of texts are followed by LOL. I mean, I do it too...but why do we do that? I'm not LOL'ing at every text you send, so why do I respond with it? I can't be sure.

4. I'm praying that a few more of my friends get knocked up soon. I won't name any names, but I'm looking at you.

5. We announced on all things social media yesterday that we are expecting. We got lots of love and it was fun to see who all was shocked. Is it because my kids will be 10 years apart?? See also, for everyone that was shocked on IG, I kinda wanted to comment back "So I guess you don't read my blog, huh?" lol <-----please see #3

Happy Hump Day!
Here's to hoping I don't fall asleep at my desk today. Pin It Now!


  1. My sister and I are 10 years apart!

  2. 10 years is perfect because you will have built-in babysitters and I consider that winning! LOL <--- did you like that extra touch?!

  3. Matt went to every dr appt with me when I was pregnant with Brody and he's been to every one this time around too! :)

  4. I would take that as a good sign that FH wants to go to all the appointments. My husband did as well. He was there at every single appointment with both kids. He still goes to almost all of their dr. appts as well.

  5. That is awesome!! Congrats!!!! I am 7 years older than my sisters and love it! Now I am like their mother hen!! That is great hubby goes with you to every appt. My hubs always wanted to but couldn't due to his work!

  6. I respond with lol all time and smilies. See I almost just did it there but had to refrain. And that will not get you out of the pics. ; ) Crap I just did the smiley.

  7. haha!! I totally knew you were looking at me too! Who knows.... ;) I'm so guilty of #3 and I was thinking the same thing about #5, how are people shocked on there? You need to pimp that blog addy out on there again, lol. (<--yep, can't stop myself...lol)

  8. I ususally do LOL when I type LOL! Is that odd? It's actual more of a "huh, huh, huh" giggle (imagine it fast and high-pitched)! LOL!

    And Janessa cannot get pregnant soon, at least not until after the wedding!

  9. My hubs and his little brother are 15 years apart. That just means your girls will be able to really help out (like Marcy said!) And that's the sweetest thing about FH being so happy about the baby!
    I'm not on that list of people, but IIII hope I get knocked up soon!
    You have to get your cute self in some pictures lady!
    I agree about the LOL thing & I am way too guilty of it. I even got so annoyed (at myself) that I switch it up every so often now and use "haha", cause it's more believable, like a chuckle or a snicker. No? (Good logic?, idk) lol... ;)

  10. I do not want 400 pics taken! The little peanut is precious. Now it will be awkward when we lol each other via text...thanks! Lol! See what I mean? I know you are not looking at me! ;)

  11. I overuse lol, smiley faces, and haha when I text. Huzzah for there only being 1 baby :)
