Jun 7, 2013

Five For Friday

Seeing as how lately, I am loving some lists on my blog posts, this link up is perfect for me! The goal is to write about five things from the week......easy peasy.


1. My kids are nuts. Apparently at Vacation Bible School the other night, they asked the group of kids "What is something that makes your life difficult?"

Kate's response: "Alex"

We found this out the other night driving to VBS. Alex informed Kate that what she said the other night was not very nice and that it hurt her feelings. "I was just joking, I thought it was funny" said Kate. "But not everyone knew you were joking Kate, and it hurt my feelings."

First off, I love hearing them "talk it out". Makes me laugh.
Second off, I think her answer was kind of hilarious, but I agree with Alex, of course.
Third off, my absolute favorite thing to do is listen to conversations that happen between the two of them in the car.
And last, I always wanted a twin. Now, after living with them, I'm so glad I don't have a twin.

2. Alex came home from summer camp yesterday and said "Mom, I have a crush." Me: "It's not that boy I saw with the flat bill hat on, is it?" Alex: "No, I was wearing that flat bill hat." FH: Eyeroll. Me: "Is FH going to have to have a talk with you??"

Lord help us with these boy crazy girls, 10 going on 16.

3. I am so bummed that I am not running the 5K tonight, but super excited that I get to see some of my blogger favorites. And happy that I can be some assistance as their designated pregnant driver to get them home safely. {Don't drink and drive kids, just find a pregnant friend.}

4. I have so many fun things planned to this summer, but for some reason I can't find time to do them all. This is a good problem to have though.

5. I'm going out to eat lunch with two of my favorite co-workers today and I get off at 3, that is the way to start a weekend!!!!

***gosh, this blog post did nothing but make me realize that my week has been lame and uneventful. oh well!***

Happy Friday Peeps! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! Pin It Now!


  1. New blog design! I like I was really confused when I was reading about your girls, and then realized it was your blog!

  2. Your girls are so funny! have fun tonight even though you are not running or drinking. I am sure it will be a great time!

  3. Thanks for being the pregnant DD! Maybe I'll return the favor one day:)

  4. I can't imagine having a twin! They are so cute and I love when you share their cute conversations. Yay for me being responsible enough to drive myself!
