Jun 14, 2013

the StYoungs do the ER

So, remember that time we went to the ER?
No, no, not the first time we went, I mean the second time.
And just in case you are keeping track, that's:
K: two trips to the ER
A: zero trips to the ER
And both times A got ridiculously jealous, because the ER is SO MUCH fun.....

So, the girls have been at my brother's house this week.
And my brother's house is like a farm.
They play outside all day long.
And they play hard.

Apparently on Tuesday, Kate fell off the four wheeler.
And no, she wasn't wearing a helmet, just so you know.
The four wheeler was also NOT moving yet.
Which is what makes this story sound so ridiculous.

So she was leaning on my brother's redneck gun rack that is attached to the four wheeler and it broke.
And down she went.

She was crying when I got there to pick her up.
But kids fall often, especially when they are playing hard, so I didn't think much of it.

When we got home, she wasn't being herself at all.
I figured she was just hot and tired.
But there was no huge bump on her face or anything, just a big red spot that actually kind of looked like a sunburn.

I should stop here and tell you that if there is no blood, we don't go to the doctor.
We just aren't doctor people unless completely necessary.

But the spot she hit when she fell was her temple.
So that's kind of scary.
And then she threw up.
I was able to convince myself that she threw up because she was hot and then drank a lot, so I still wasn't freaking out.
I talked to some friends and of course my mom, and decided I would just watch her. She should be fine.

And then she puked big time.
I felt like it was my sign to take her to get looked at.
I just knew I would NEVER forgive myself if something was really wrong and I just sat there while she napped and didn't do anything.

So off we went.
And I had to keep her awake in case she had a concussion.
Which was impossible.
We got to the ER and there was more puking.
There is nothing in the world worse than seeing your kid sick.

And then we waited.
And waited.
And waited.

The doctor ordered a cat scan to have her head looked at.
We found out TWO HOURS LATER that the cat scan in the ER was broken, so we were waiting on an ambulance to take her next door.

Please note: if I get a bill for this ambulance ride, I am going to go crazy on them. We literally could have WALKED her over instead of waiting on a ride. I refuse to pay for it.

We got to the ER around 7:30 and didn't leave until around 11:30.
The cat scan was clear, which was AWESOME.
But then I felt like we came for no reason.
Better safe than sorry though.

As you can see, she eventually perked up and this is around the point where I was wondering why we were still there since she seemed fine. Here she is with my nephew playing around. And eating french fries while we waited on the results.

We got home around midnight and were exhausted.
Did I mention that this pregnant lady didn't get a chance to eat dinner?
That never happens.

And I kid you not that Alex was jealous.
She said "Mom, why didn't I get to go to the ER with Kate? I was the first witness when she fell. And I have known her longer than anybody, even you since I met her in your belly!"

Can't argue with that.

I took off work the next day so I could stay home with her and needless to say, she was perfectly fine. I'm so grateful this was just a scare and nothing major.

Dear ER,
Thanks for being there for us when we need you. But I sure do hope we don't see you again for a LONG, LONG time.

Oh and just so I never, ever, ever forget a funny moment:

the baby is the size of a fig right now.
but of course the girls have no idea what a fig is.
Kate says goodnight to the baby every night.
Last night Kate said "goodnight little she meant to say fig"
I'll let you imagine what she actually said, trading the 'i' for an 'a' and adding a few extra letters.
And then she said "or whatever size it is right now"
I contained my laugh and corrected her.

And she said "oh okay, well what is that other thing then??"

Never a dull moment raising these Steppe sisters!!

Happy Friday y'all! Is it time to go home yet???
Pin It Now!


  1. Oh my lord that is hilarious the "fig" comment!

    and just because I have worked for an insurance company for 5 years, I can tell you that you WILL get a bill from the ambulance company. It sucks and doesn't make sense but you will AND if it is anything like ours ALL ambulance companies are out of network. Double whammy. Never will I take an ambulance unless I am unconscience and unable to tell someone otherwise.

  2. That is so scary!! So so happy Kate is okay. So what did she call the fig?

  3. I would have been terrified if I were you. So glad everything turned out to be okay!

  4. Glad she is ok!!

    Have a great weekend with your "fig" lol

  5. Better safe than sorry. When she was puking that just scared me. Too much bad news going around these days, so I was worried....you can blame me and Lindsey for the hospital bill, lol. And yea, you will probably get a bill for the ambulance. The hospitals charge for every freaking thing they can. Blah.

    So I need to know....what did you tell her a f@g was??

  6. Glad she's okay! "Fig" story is hysterical! What's that saying? Out of the mouths of babes? SO funny!

  7. LOL! The fig story is hilarious.
    I'm glad she is okay & I hope they don't try to drain you dry in the money dept.

  8. Wow! Yeah, we don't rush to the doc like a lot of my friends do either, but that puking would have scared me too! Glad you went to just make sure it was nothing major!

  9. Ahh!! So glad she is ok! You are right though, better safe than sorry! Even though I hate ERs too!
