Jun 20, 2013

A Day in the Life of....

A day in the life of a pregnant lady.
Because I know you are all interested.
This is what happens when fat people get fatter, and blame it on a baby bump.

5:00 AM Hit Snooze.

5:20ish roll my big self outta bed, holding back in full on pregnant lady stance. and high tail it to the bathroom. as if I didn't get up to go about 14 times during the night. Then proceed to get ready.

Do I wash my hair today? Probably not.
Do I dress up cute for work today? Probably not.
Did I shave my legs this week? Probably not.
Should I get ready in 5 seconds so that I have more time to eat breakfast? Definitely yes!

6:15ish leave for work

Today is going to be a good day.
I have lots of energy.
I will NOT nap when I get off work today.
I repeat I will not take a nap.

6:30 work, work, work.

My back hurts.
I have to go to the bathroom.
Is it time to eat yet?
Is it time to go home yet?

10:30 breaktime. One mile walk with my work BFF, who is also pregnant. We are a sight to see when we are walking.

I can't breathe.
It's hot outside.
My thighs are rubbing together.
Can I take my bra off?
How come we are so much slower now?

11:30 lunchtime. Holla! I normally eat in the breakroom alone reading my book. I'm lame....but I like to read while I eat. Or else I leave the building which normally results in bad decisions, like Taco Bell.

12:00 work, work, work.

Oh my goodness, I'm so full!!!!
Wow, I'm sleepy. I can't wait to get home but I am NOT going to nap. I repeat, I am not going to nap this afternoon.

2:30 breaktime. Time to walk again.

Seriously, is break time not over yet?
I feel like we have been walking for hours.
Gossip, gossip, gossip.
I have to go to the bathroom.

3:00 time to go home.

I should probably go run some errands.
But it's just too hot.
If I could go home and put on some comfty clothes, I could run errands then.
I have to go to the bathroom.
I will not take a nap.

3:30 I'm just going to sit in this recliner and read/watch tv until FH gets home. Just relax.

I will not take a nap.

5:00 wake up from a nap.

Whaat?? How did that happen?
No clue, but man that felt nice.
I'm pretty sure I can't get up, my back hurts.

6:00ish Time to feed my face. More than likely going out to eat because cooking = dirty dishes. And nobody likes dirty dishes.

OMG I'm so full.
I can't even walk.
FH, I swear I am never eating again.
Will you get me a piece of cake while you are in the kitchen?

7:00 TV time, lazy time, UNO time, maybe walk around the neighborhood but probably not. I'm still tired from that nap I took.

9:00 time for bed. I'm gonna read a little before I go to sleep.

9:03 okay that's enough reading, I'm exhausted.

Please note, this is a day in the life of a pregnany lady while her kids are not at home. This is not a typical day in the life of a pregnant mom of twins. That one includes a lot less napping and a lot more refereeing and pulling out my hair. I'll save that one for later.

Happy Thursday Y'all!
I am soooooo ready for Friday! Pin It Now!


  1. You are too cute! It's much easier being pregnant the first time around because you can nap anytime you want! The second time around you have this thing called a kid to tend too...sucks balls!

  2. I love this post! So true! That's how I felt in the first trimester as far as naps and sleep go, but pretty much that's how I feel about work every day :)

  3. Now I feel like I don't have an excuse. Haven't shaved my legs all week. Didn't wash my hair today and sure didnt dress cute. And but snooze 3 times. And you're telling me it gets worse when I'm pregnant. Gees. Love your Lora. ; )

  4. NO, you cannot take your bra off at work!!!! ;)

  5. So yeah.... Your day sounds like mine. THe only difference is that I am not pregnant. And I don't walk on my breaks.

  6. I totally knew the nap was coming.

    I feel like taking my bra off at work all the time. Or wearing sports bras daily.

  7. This cracked me up...and sorta made me miss being pregnant ;)
