Jul 2, 2013

Tummy Tuesday #5

Hello again strangers!
Sorry I have been a little MIA lately.
But K&A were out of town for 2 weeks and well, ya know, I could blog about the 14,873 naps that I took while they were gone, but that's just not very interesting.

Don't worry though, they are back and loud as ever so my life is interesting again.
{Not that life with FH isn't interesting, he just doesn't do as much random stuff as K&A!}

Remind me to tell you about how the girls came home with new pets...and one of them already died.
Funeral coming shortly.
Meanwhile, there's a dead animal in my house. Ewwwwwww.

Alright ladies and FH, it's time for another round of Tummy Tuesday.
And yes, before you bite my head off, I DID take a pic this week.

How far along? 14 weeks

Yes, I know, I'm huge. But my hair is washed, I have make up on, and I am not falling asleep at my desk, so I am FINALLY getting some energy back!!!

Sleep? Not horrible, but not great either. FH bought me the Snoogie pillow or whatever it's called. I love it, but dang if it doesn't take an act of God to roll over in the middle of the night. Oh and I can't sleep with it when FH wants to sleep with me, there's just not enough room. Luckily I would choose him over a pillow any day. I might move him to the couch around 7 or 8 months though.....

Maternity clothes? Do we even need to ask about this anymore?

Best moment this week? Well, so far this week hasn't been too exciting. My grandmother died so we have been at the funeral home....but I'm super excited to be in the second trimester!

Miss anything? working out hard. I just can't push myself as hard as before. I'm really wanting to try to start jogging a little, but I'm pretty sure this makes FH nervous.

Movement? no, but Kate is DYING to feel this baby kick!

Size of the baby? a navel orange. 4.5 inches, 2 to 3 ounces. and the baby started to suck his or her thumb this week. How cute is that?!

Food cravings? none lately. honestly I haven't been eating as much as I was at first. I get full a lot quicker, which is weird.

Morning sickness? nope.

Gender? Well ya see what happened was.....we were suppose to find out last week...but then when I went in for my doctor's appointment, she said the lab said the results wouldn't be back until July 9. I was so bummed! Especially since we were going to do our gender reveal at my bday party this weekend....but oh well! At least July 9 will be here soon!

Bed rest? No. But I have found that when I lay in one position for a long time, it takes me like 45 minutes to get up because of my back. It would be comical if it didn't hurt so badly. FH offered to get me a walker and I smacked him.

Limitations? I'm a slow mover, which is annoying....but at least I didn't answer yes to the bed rest question so I'm grateful for that!!

Pregnancy symptoms? nothing new.

Wedding rings? still on, nothing like some fat little sausage fingers with a ring on it. :)

Looking forward to? my birthday party this weekend, sporting the baby bump. And thank goodness I found a pair of maternity shorts so I won't have to suffer in the heat. Now, please say a little prayer that it doens't rain.

Happy Tummy Tuesday Y'all!!!
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  1. And I still think you are lying to us about July 9th, lol. Looking forward to finding out the gender this weekend....sneaky McSneakerson! lol

  2. So glad I don't have to come over there and bite your head off. ;) You look darling!
    Sorry about your grandmother (and the little pet, too!).

  3. NO FH didn't offer to get you a walker! LOL

    You look adorable! And have a great bday party! Can't wait to see pictures!

  4. Aww I love pregnant bellies :) You do look adorable. Happy all is well. BTW, my money is on a boy!

  5. You look radiant! Happy Birthday!

  6. You are just the cutest little thing! And I am still loving your hair!!!

  7. That us a great picture if you. Hope you guys have a great time at the party. We aren't going to make it since we got a new boat and Chris is DYING to put some major hours on it. Can't wait to hear what HE or she is???
