Sep 17, 2013

Tummy Tuesday #15

I'm 25 weeks.
I'm huge and swollen.
It's really hard to breathe.
I think I might be getting sick.
And I'm swamped at work,
so that's all I have time for.
Grateful that this pregnancy is flying by! :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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  1. At least you look good doing it! :) Almost to 30 weeks!

  2. Thinking of you mama... at least you look amazing, so there's that! :)

  3. Hey! Found you from Fueled and aflame and I'm keeping you and your sweet baby in my prayers!! :)

  4. Lora, I don't often comment on your blog, but I do read it. I've been praying for you and Harper and know that God will work his magic on your sweet boy.

  5. My son was born at 27 weeks because I had preeclampsia. I hope you're doing as well as can be expected and know that there are lots of people praying for you and your little boy. Miracles happen! Let me know if you need anything. My baby was in the NICU for 80 days, so I'm here for support if you need it! xoxo

  6. Praying for you and your sweet baby like crazy. Xoxo

  7. Keeping you and Harper in my prayers! my 10 year old MaKenna was born at 25 weeks, Been there Momma, scary and intimidating with all the machines- Praying for daily strength! the road is long but prayers will get you through each day!

  8. Lora, thinking of you and FH and Harper and your girls. Much love and strength to all of you. Hang in there!
