Sep 25, 2013

Just a Quickie

You should know that I hate blogging from my phone. Or from the iPad for that matter. Maybe I feel like I need more control over the spacing, or maybe I'm just old school and want to pound it out on a real keyboard. Either way, I need my computer.

But lately, at 2 AM while normal people are sleeping, my mind is going 900 miles an hour. I feel the need to respond to every single sweet comment I get from everyone, because every single comment no matter how tiny has touched me.

I'm overwhelmed by support and love. I've wondered how I can repay each and everyone. Especially people who have never met me yet donated money. Hard earned money just to help me out. I've felt so guilty that I want to show up at everyone's door step, with a big fat check in my hand to repay you times 10.

I can only tell you that I'm eternally grateful. I find tears every time I stumble upon a blog that mentions my baby. I mean, he may not be 2 lbs yet but little stud has been loved on by some big names. :)

I plan on blogging out his entire birth story, obviously. To share with all of you and to help me remember. But that post is way too important to type laying in this hospital bed.

We know we have a long road ahead of us so we are just taking it one day at a time, one hour, one minute. Our focus right now is getting HK past his 72 hour critical stage, and getting me stable enough to check out of the hospital. Us being here is kind of a double edged sword....we live 45 minutes from the hospital so of course it will kill us to go home without him. We'll still be here most of the time just hanging out, praying, and watching our little miracle grow. But at the same time, I'm anxious to be well enough to go home. I long for no more needles, real clothes other than this trendy gown I'm sporting, and just being home.
We thought we could go home on Wednesday, but today my blood pressure sky rocketed back up. {Poor FH, glad we don't have to take his bp because I'm sure it's thru the roof stressing over his family!} because of the once again high bp, we are at least here until Thursday.

Hoping, and praying, and believing. Cause really that's all you can do.

Hug your kids tight tonight and say a little prayer for our little champ. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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  1. OMG he is out already?? I am truly glad he is fine and you guys both are doing fantastic!!! I will keep my fingers crossed for your little boy!!

  2. Oh my word Lora! I had no idea you were having such problems yourself! We will continue to pray for you and Harper. I will keep posting on my blog!!! Much love to you!

  3. Still praying for HK and for your bp. I hope they get it all stable soon. Love y'all and see you soon :)

  4. I've been thinking about you and your family lots since I heard the news. Praying that you become well enough to bust out of there and that Harper continues to do well!

  5. Praying for your family every day Lora... lots of love to you all! xoxo

  6. I'm praying constantly for you and that little man. He is so loved and so are you! It will be hard to go home without him but he is in the best place right now and he will be home very soon!! Love you girl

  7. Thinking about you and your family each day, sending lots of love and prayers. "Tough times don't last- tough people do!"

  8. Thinking of you and your family, this must have happened while I was on vacation because I had no idea. I will be keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers :)

  9. Praying for you and your family!

  10. Sending prayers, prayers and more prayers! Hope the girls and FH are doing okay. the picture of the girls that you posted on IG last night was so stinking cute!

  11. Sending prayers, hugs, thoughts, everything possible your way. When I first saw his picture, I thought it wasn't yours! You had just posted your "what to expect" update hours before, and then now this little guy was here. It breaks my heart. But seeing him listening to you, everyone else, I know he's going to fight through this all. Sending money to me doesn't seem like enough!! I don't know you, but wish I was closer to HELP. Drive you to the hospital, sit with him when no one else can. I couldn't imagine being away from my boys, especially if they were in the hospital. I know you know we are all thinking of you!! I just honestly wish there was more I could do!! Good luck to baby Harper, and good luck to you mama! Get yourself back to good health!!

  12. Praying for you both, and for your entire family!

  13. Praying all the time!!! You all have been on my mind constantly! Hugs to you, dear friend!

  14. So glad you were able to update us. I am keeping you, the girls, your FH and that sweet baby boy in my prayers.
    Dear Lord, please keep Lora, her family and precious baby Harper in your arms during this time. I pray that Harper continues to grow and thrive and that Lora's blood pressure will be under control so she can get home and in some comfy clothes. Thank you for the blessing of sweet baby Harper and his family and please have them feel your presence . In your name I pray, Amen.
    Psalm 31:24

  15. I haven't had the chance to reach out to you yet, but wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about you and your precious little one. Sending good thoughts and healthy vibes your way!

  16. Thanks so much for the update!!! I have been thinking of all of you and praying for baby h!

  17. You and your family have been on my mind ever since Monday morning when I saw you IG update. We have never met and I am terrible about keeping up with social media but know that you and baby h are being prayed for!

  18. Sending prayers for you and your family every day! Xoxo

  19. Praying for you, baby Harper and your family... Work on getting better your self so you can take care of that beautiful family of yours. Thank you for the update.

  20. I can hear your voice in each update and post. You bring so positive and strong is an amazing feat in itself. Praying minute to minute for that sweet baby!

  21. I know we have never met, but Im saying prayers for you and I donated too not much, but hopefully every little bit counts - from one mama to another - praying for you and yours!!!

  22. Aww, you poor thing. I just feel so helpless, wish there was s/t I could do to make this all go away for you guys. I am so so SO glad you have a strong guy there by your side!! If I hadn't had Andy w/ me the whole thing would have been far worse, so on that end I am very relieved for you. Always sending prayers and good thoughts, anxious for some more HK updates. I noticed you are taking pictures of a picture of him, why is that? Hope you can answer that one, small, weird q in one of your updates. :) Hang in there girlie, HK needs you to be healthy so stay there as long as necessary!

  23. My heart... You all have my heart. I am praying for each and every one of you. I adore you guys... Hugs and many many many good thoughts and prayers headed your way all day today and many many many more days to come.

  24. Bless you and your family Lora... You have been on my mind and in my heart since I found out! XOXO

  25. I just came across your blog the other day after someone posted on IG about baby Harper. I'm praying incessantly for you and your family. I I can only imagine what you're going through. I'm so glad that Harper has made it through the first 72 hours, and I pray he continues to get stronger. I hope your BP stabilizes enough for you to go home as well.

  26. Just catching up and doing a little celebration at my desk because Harper totally rocked those first 72 hours! Yay! xoxo

  27. Praying for you and Harper! xoxo
