May 15, 2013

Never Say Never

10 things I will Never Do (within the Next 9 Months)

1. Be a cute tiny pregnant girl. Nope, not me. I'm only 7 weeks and I already feel like a blimp. I get pregnant in my ankles, my neck, my thighs. You name it, it will be swollen and look pregnant.
See also: sausage link fingers.

2. Run while pregnant. I had big hopes on this one. But it doesn't seem to be happening. I get tired going to the grocery store. I feel like I deserve a marathon medal when I walk one mile. I'm hoping when I get more energy in the second trimester that I can maybe do a fat girl jog for a solid minute or two.

3. Sleep well. I'm a back sleeper. Or a stomach sleeper. Never have I ever been a side sleeper. This will be the death of me. {Side note: Can I put an oxygen mask on my baby registery? I'm gonna need one and I can't imagine that they are cheap.}

4. Like shopping. Shopping is depressing now. "Oh look at that cute dress on sale!" "Oh wait, it will probably only fit me for another month or so." #depressing Yes, there are cute pregnancy clothes out there, but seriously, I don't want to spend money on clothes I'm going to wear for only 9 months.

5. Drink a red bull. Y'all, I love caffeine. Red Bull, Sweet Tea, and Diet DP are my staples. I haven't had one tiny ounce of caffeine in over three weeks and it's not great. Of course the first week was miserable. It's getting better. But seriously, I am drooling just thinking about some sweet tea.

6. Like sitting at my desk. We got new chairs at work like 3 years ago. Everyone was so excited when we got them because they are like $800 special office chairs or something like that. I knew I hated them from the beginning. But, now, being pregnant, I despise them. I might bring in a huge bouncy ball to sit on while I work. And throw this chair out the window.

7. Take smoke breaks. Because I didn't even smoke before I was pregnant, but I will be taking walk breaks. I think I deserve it. If you get 14,783 breaks a day to go outside and smoke a cigarette, then me and this bun (in my oven) are going for 874 walks throughout the day so i don't go insane.

8. Have a maternity photo shoot. Please refer to #1 for explanation.

9. Like riding in a car. I get car sick. I'm so hot I am going to puke. And then 5 minutes later, I need a blanket. This was me BEFORE the bun. You can imagine me now. And I'm going on a roadtrip next weekend....who's excited?!

10. Take this time for granted. I'm a complainer, obviously. But I know there is a miracle growing in my stomach. I feel blessed because of this. So when my jeans don't button, and my chin triples, and my ankles become cankles, I won't forget how badly I wanted this. I am so happy to have these "problems". :)

Happy Hump Day everybody. I'm off to take my smoke break. Pin It Now!


  1. Haha, love the smoke break! And yikes about the road trips :( Hopefully this pregnancy will change that and you will be a great road tripper by next weekend, fingers crossed!

  2. Seriously...I have a million maternity clothes. I can send them to you! I will never again use them...EVER! Let me know!

  3. I am not sure how you gave up caffeine. I drank coffee all the while being pregnant. And with marley I lived on DP and gummy bears. All day errrday.

    I did however make the mistake of attempting a maternity photo shoot. Shoot me is what she should have done. NOT PRETTY.

  4. My doctor said 1 galss of tea a day was ok. May be you should ask, although I don't know about the sweet part?

  5. I just started following you last week and boy am I glad I did. I am just about 7 weeks pregnant too. And this list? Spot on. The thought of shopping makes me want to cry, I would pay good money to be able to drink some coffee and I wouldn't trade any of all these yucky feelings for whats to come in December!

  6. I hate that I miss things like this while I'm on a blogging hiatus! CONGRATS! So so so happy for you. You truly deserve this and I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy:)

  7. Oh congratulations! I saw the picture for the announcement post, but hadn't had a chance to comment! How exciting for you! So cares about any of these... Other than a more comfy office chair LOL

  8. I am still laughing at the oxygen mask. Lol! You can borrow my aunts. She doesn't like it because it's hard to smoke with it on. Ha!

  9. You are going to rock that pregnant girl glow! Can't wait to see updates on IG and to see your lovely face in December!!! -- side note, that's SO far away, I can hardly stand it!

  10. Totally agree on the smoke/walk breaks!!! Good for you!

  11. Girl, get you some decaf tea! It wasn't that bad of an adjustment. I take walk breaks too and dare somebody to say something!

  12. Well I must have completely missed the news. Congratulations!!!

  13. You will feel better after the first trimester (hopefully) and seriously take those smoke breaks lol

  14. I just had my baby boy last week and completely relate to this list'll make it sister!!! And the best thing is tasting coffee for the first time afterwards (and wine too for that matter). It makes it all worthwhile :) Good luck!!!
