May 2, 2013

25 Things About Me

I know you are all dying to know 25 random facts about me.
Or probably not at all.
So here they are.

1. I love bandwagons. Obviously.

2. I could eat at Buffalo Wild Wings

3. I love group texts.

4. I like to crack jokes during scary movies, so you probably might not want to go to the theater with me if you laugh loud.

5. I went to the same private school from K-12th grade and I loved every bit of it. My kids now go to school there.

6. I don't dress up. Like ever. I'm a tshirt and jeans gal all the way.

7. I go through at least 100 social emails every day, if not more.

8. I hate talking on the phone. Even at work, email me!

9. I really like to be in charge.

10. If we order pizza, and I go pick it up, expect me to eat at least one piece on the drive home. See also: I'm not patient.

11. I have been singing "Jesus Loves Me" to my kids for 10 years now and I actually cannot carry a tune to save my life. I'm wondering how old they will be when they realize that I can't sing and normal people couldn't fall asleep to that racket.

12. My mom is cooler than your mom.

13. I married my best friend almost one year ago. I waited my whole life for him and when I finally found him, he had a crush on my friend. Womp. Womp.

14. I get nervous about lots of things. I never realized this but I'm a very nervous person.

15. I am deathly afraid of cops. Even if I did nothing wrong, I'm scared and shaking.

16. I will gladly pack my bags and buy a new house if I see a mouse. Scared. To. Death. Ewww, just ewww.

17. White cheese dip makes me happy.

18. I just realized that I talk about food a lot. #fatkidproblems

19. Whenever I go out of town, I buy a tshirt.

20. My absolute favorite memories since childhood are at the lake or on the river. BUT I despise being in a swimsuit.

21. I'm scared of having another set of twins. Yes, twins are cute. But private school sure ain't (used only for emphasis) cheap.

22. I have dreams of all my favorite people living in one neighborhood. It would be the greatest thing ever.

23. I am LOUD. Like really loud. My kids get it honest.

24. Online shopping is one of my favorite hobbies.

25. I hate blog posts that don't have pictures, but I'm always in a hurry/too lazy to find any and post them. I post lots of pics on IG to make up for it though. :)

Hope everyone is having a great week.....Me? I'm just glad it's almost over! Happy Almost Friday!! Pin It Now!


  1. NOTHING is better than cheese dip! I could eat just that at mexican resturants

  2. #4 is incorrect...just scratch out scary because you make jokes in EVERY movie, haha. Dear John. I rest my case. And I wish we all did live in the same neighborhood. Or at least had a nice walking track to connect us, lol.

  3. I almost go into panic mode when I see a cop even if I'm doing nothing wrong too. I don't know what my deal is. House will be sold the day I find a mouse or mouse poop!

  4. Yep we are so alike.. K-12 - I am 3-12 and still sporting the jumper. hahahaha

  5. Lord have mercy we have so much in common!!! 3, 4, 6-8, 12, 14-17, 22, and 24. My daughter is starting private school this year. I did not go. I'm anxious about it!!

  6. I totally freak out when a cop gets behind me while I am driving. Bleh! Oh here's to private school rompers! I was right there with you except I changed private schools in the 6th grade.

  7. Don't ever call me either. Text me.

    and we need to bond some more over a nice bown of white cheese dip. ASAP.

  8. I hate talking on the phone except for if it's my sister or mom. That is why god invented texting and email.

  9. Talking on the phone is the worst! (my teenage self thinks I am crazy right now)

  10. Buffalo Wild Wings--yum!

  11. When I eat Mexican I pour a crap ton of white cheese dip all over the Mexican rice. So unhealthy, so delicious!

  12. I love group texts too, especially when the group has a couple of comedians, but I feel totally insane when I don't know one of the numbers.

  13. holly sent me here and you are great! new follower..

  14. White cheese is da-best. Ever. Our local mexican place even makes it as a 'chorizo cheese dip'...and it's elevated to an even HIGHER caloric level of pure bliss.

  15. Love this! First time here, so now I know a bit about you. You're hilarious! Following :))
