Oct 31, 2012

Abnormal Children

It's Halloween.
And I'm not excited.
You want to know why?
Well, duh, of course you do.
I'm not gonna dress like a hooker on Halloween.
I don't have the figure for it.
Nor do I ever want to spend the money on an outfit I will wear one night.
Horrible, I know.
Cheap, I know.
Lame, I know.
Thank goodness I have kids now so I usually don't have to dress up.
I swear, I'm not a party pooper.
I just am not a big Halloween person.
We don't even get a day off work for this holiday.
And I work for the government so I get every holiday there is.
You know why else this holiday is bad for me?
My kids are abnormal.
They barely eat candy.
I'm still waiting on the maternity test because it's not possible that I'm their real birth Mom.
Although I kind of remember pushing those jokers out. #doubletrouble
My husband and I are normal. Meaning we LOOOOVE candy.
So they give it all to us.
We are like their pimps and they go out knocking on doors for candy, but they have to give 95% of their goods to us for payment.
Payment for room and board of course. And sometimes food.
Not to mention, why is Halloween on a Wednesday night?
Do you really think kids can get all hyped up on sugar and freaked out from seeing monsters and ghosts and then go to bed on time?
And by "the kids", I mean my husband and I.
You know what I do love though?
Awesome blog comments.
Yesterday's blog got me some love from ya'll and it made my day.
Funny how you never know how your blog will be percepted {is that a word?} until you hit publish.
And then you get comments, or you get none at all. {Which is a HUGE bummer. Everyone loves comments.}
One more thing I love?
My BFF and I are finally gonna host one.
It starts tomorrow.
We want you to blog about how you got your blog name.
Let's play Name That Blog....
We also want you to sing "Same my name, same my name" while you are typing that blog. Yes, it's actually a requirement.
You should probably also throw in some Halloween pictures and stories in the same blog. But not cause that has anything to do with the link party, but because I want to see your costumes.
So come back tomorrow and link up with us.
You should probably tweet about this link up too. Mainly just because I love saying "Tweet this". It just sounds fun.
I swear there will even be a button and a linky thing, once she teaches me how to do all that.
Happy Halloween Hookers. Don't act like you aren't dressing up like one tonight, cause I bet you are. #Imjustjealous #hatersgonnahate Pin It Now!


  1. This is a hilarious post. And I have to admit, I've never dressed up as a hooker, perse. But, I have done the french maid/red riding hood outfits when I was younger... like in my twenties. And maybe the outfits were a LITTLE scandalous. I'd say that I wouldn't wear the outfits again now, but I'd be lying. But only to act young again for one night. Otherwise, it's yoga pants and tanks for me daily. Year round. ;)

    Thanks for following. Following you back, and glad I am. You're hysterical.

    And if I get Destiny's Child stuck in my head today, I'm totally blaming you.


  2. I do love funny people and girl you crack me up!!! :)

    I'm really not a Halloween fan either. I don't even have a pumpkin anywhere at my house. I HATE scary things; therefore Halloween just isn't my thing. Maybe things will change when we have kids(baby bandwagon).

    I don't know who keeps filling up this pumpkin near our timesheets but I love them and hate them at the same time! Do I need any more of that sugar to go to my hips; yea I think NOT. But oh my that 3 Musketeers is just melting in my mouth!

    Be back tomorrow! :)


  3. Thanks for stopping by the blog hop! This post made me laugh! Following you now :)

    x Ellie @ Ellalogy 

  4. haha i am being lame and not dressing up. I would LOVE to join the link up tomorrow!!

  5. Hehe you're funny. Maybe the word is perceived rather than percepted? No one in New Zealand celebrates it here, so maybe you should relocate and it will become a non-issue lol.
    Thank you for linking up to Followers to Friend's blog hop, I hope you met some cool new bloggy friends :)

    P.S. Shabby Apple are giving away a dress on my blog if you want to enter! http://www.sweetpeasylvie.com/2012/11/im-stylish-breastfeeding-mama-shabby.html

  6. Would you and FH be willing to share that candy? I do all that work helping my nephews out last night and would you believe they didn't give me ANY candy?! Actually I take that back; Aiden shared one piece....just ONE though! I'm a sugar addict!

