Dec 8, 2014

Ms Scrooge

This is the first year that K&A are in middle school.
So it's the first year they get to be really involved with school activites.
We've done volleyball and cross country...
and now it's time for basketball and plays.
Only Alex is on the basketball team and it's been interesting.
Our school, actually our grade in particular, has some hardcore girl athletes.
No offense boys.
So it's VERY competitive.
And they practice about a lot.
Both of the girls decided to try out for the middle school play this year.
And I knew that we were gonna be busy!
Alex got a speaking role with a good amount of lines considering it was her first play.
And of course, she had the lines memorized after like two days.
The kid can memorize anything. And usually does.
Kate had a goofy, non-speaking role.
But she had a lot of fun with it, and memorized Alex's lines after
going over them with her so much.
**Funny Fact: Alex was losing her voice the week of the performance and Kate said,
"Alex, please don't get sick. I don't know your lines THAT good."
She did not want to have to take her place!

The girls had so much fun in the play.
Our schedule was crazy during this time, especially the last 2 weeks before the performance.
They practiced about 2 hours a day sometimes.
And a lot of times, Alex had basketball right afterwards.
Play practice 3-5, sometimes 6.
Basketball 6-8.
I'm not sure about them, but I was exhausted!
Thank goodness we live close to the school because many nights we just took them
food to the school. And made about 3 to 4 trips a day.
So glad they got to have this experience though.
They are already talking about the next one.
I also learned I am so not ready for them to wear makeup.

And that it gets really old curling 2 heads of hair 4 nights in a row.
Also, curls never stick when I do them.

I tried to arrange it so that they had fans there every night so that I wouldn't have to go each time.
Although I was a little sad that I didn't see every performance.
But of course, I didn't think to get pics of all their fans. Only 1. :)

Can't wait til next year when they get to perform again.
I always knew they were super dramatic.
At least they can use that on the stage.


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1 comment:

  1. Umm look back through this this a record for how many pics you have of the girls with BOTH of them smiling for the camera?? haha Also, I have this stuff you should use for their curls. It's what I use and my hair used to not hold curl at all.
