Nov 17, 2014

World Prematurity Day

I have friends that have preemies.
All of them successful stories.
On this day, world prematurity day, they are sharing their pictures.
And how they can't believe how big he or she has gotten.
They can't believe how far they have come since delivery.
How one week or one month felt like an eternity in the NICU.

My story is different.
I don't have a "look at him now" pic.
I can't tell you that he's doubled in size since his birth.
In fact, I can't tell you anything new about his life.

But what I can tell you, is how God used a tiny one lb creation and made a huge impact.
I could tell you about the Moms who tell me how they squeeze their babies tighter because of him.
How they appreciate their baby a little more because of our story.
I can tell you about two little girls who have learned more over the last year than I ever expected.
How he changed our family for the better.
I can tell you about how much he taught me about love.
And how I still miss him every day.

And most of all, I can tell you that I don't regret one single second of the last year.
Who would have thought some of my greatest memories would be in the hospital?
Good things really do come in small packages. <3

**the first time I held him**
PS Dear Harper, please hurry up and pick out a baby sister or brother and send them on down.
Your sisters are waiting.


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  1. Hugs. Your strength is a source of inspiration and your candor admirable. Thinking of you!

  2. I'm only 22 with zero kids, just a dog and boyfriend, but your story has touched my heart so so much. Your strength is admirable and amazing. Thinking of you!!

  3. I still think of you often since we were pregnant at the same time. I see my baby girl and I think of you and all the mom's who have lost a little one. I've been super behind on blogs, so I am just now seeing this post. Hope you are well.
