Dec 15, 2014

My Kid is a Genius

In order to understand this post, please read about Christmas 2012 here.
Now, back to 2014.
K&A both have 2 boxes wrapped under the tree.
K shook her box once and guessed what it was.
Exactly what it was.
And they ask for TONS of stuff for christmas.
And this wasn't even her top request.
No, she didn't have time to open it.
I had just wrapped it.
And no, you couldn't tell by feeling it or shaking it.
I tested it out to make sure because I know they are good guessers.
I'm not telling you what it is, because the girls read this blog.
And I, of course, denied it.
How does she figure out her gifts always??
I'll never know.
But next year I think I won't wrap any so she doesn't have a chance to guess.
And while looking for that old post, I came across this one from last year.
Funny how much our little family has changed over the last year.
We are still a party of 5 disguised as a party of 4.
We still have that sweet baby in our hearts.
The only difference is that last year, he spent Christmas with his nurses, who mostly
could pass for angels.
This year, he gets to spend it with the birthday boy Himself.
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1 comment:

  1. We have 4 kids and although I love for them to pick up their gifts and shake and rattle them, about 4 years ago we started a new tradition and it's our absolute favorite!! Each year we buy 4 new rolls of Christmas paper. 1 roll per child and every gift is wrapped in that paper (we use what's left the next year for the misc gifts) so there's no need for gift tags and they have no way of knowing whose is whose until Christmas morning. We put 4 "samples" of the paper on a table and make them guess which one is theirs until all 4 have it correct. We have other traditions but this is the most fun :)
