Jul 16, 2013

Tummy Tuesday #7

Oh goodness, I think blogger is working for me today.

How far along? 16 weeks

Oh hey Lora, thanks for drying your hair this morning. Oh, you didn't? I totally couldn't tell......

The good news is that I don't see much of a difference between last week and this week.
The bad news is I'm huge, that's probably why you can't tell much of a difference.
Also, can we please discuss how I read that the baby is going through a growth spurt over the next few weeks....this scares me.
I'll be doing a little extra waddling this week in hopes that I don't gain 45,000 more lbs.

Sleep? When I can get comfortable...which is not often. Although I'm doing better about not drinking a lot at night before bed so I don't wake up so much. That's helping even if I'm dying of thirst.

Best moment this week? Sadly, this was probably on Saturday when I took the girls to the sprinkler park. I was able to sit outside in the sun without dying. In my book, that's a win. Even if someone asked me if I was positive I wasn't having twins since I was so big.

Miss anything? I miss getting excited when stepping on the scale in hopes that I am down a few lbs....lately that scale only moves one way.

Movement? sadly, no. but hopefully soon!

Size of the baby? a turnip. 5 in, 5 oz.

Food cravings? none really.

Gender? BOY!

Bed rest? no, but still impossible to get up after laying down for a long time.

Limitations? I'm such a slow walker nowadays.....it's annoying!

Pregnancy symptoms? same ole stuff

Wedding rings? still on.

Looking forward to? registering for the baby. I know it's early, but I'm soooo anxious to shop in the little boy department. I know everyone says that boys get jipped in the clothes area, but I'm so excited for simple. Girls' clothes are NOT simple and you have to buy a million things!

All in all, I'm feeling pretty amazing. Aside from horrible headaches over the weekend and an occasional backache, nothing is really bothering me. I'm not falling asleep at work anymore and I'm not miserable. So excited to be in a comfortable stage. :)

Happy Tummy Tuesday Y'all!!

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  1. LORA YOUR FREAKING HAWT! I know you might not feel like it but seriously you are rocking this pregnancy!

  2. I still think your bump is adorable! I've been avoiding the scale like the plague so I can't imagine what the scale at the doctor's office is going to say, which is notorious for being at least 5 lbs more than mine at home. I need to find a sprinkler park around me, even if I don't have any kids to take with me haha!

  3. NEVER ask someone if they are sure they aren't having twins!!! Good lord that used to put me over the edge when someone would ask! I think you look great!

  4. Boy?! I must have missed that. Yay!!

    You look gorgeous!!

  5. I got asked if I was having twins too... People are so rude. I was like uhhh NO. (Well I hope not! We haven't had an ultrasound since 6 weeks :0

    I love your belly and I think you look amazing. You are growing your SON and that is all that matters! Be on alert on Monday! I'll be texting you when I find out! :))

  6. You are so cute. It's a boy? How did I not know this - and no Louie, right? HAHAHA You are adorable.

  7. I was really excited for a boy and boy shopping too. However I have been disappointed this summer. Where are all the cute clothes from a year ago!??! I am holding out hope for the fall lines. I have seen a couple and they are better.

  8. I think you look super cute! People are just a-holes. I always got asked if I was sure I wasn't having twins.... Some people are just horrible at talking to pregnant women. I actually think they think they are funny...

  9. Oh I totally think a boy baby would be more fun to dress! There's this blog I follow and she comes up with the best outfits for her son. If I ever have a boy, my plan is to just recreate everything I see here. And hopefully sooner rather than later because I'm usually the last to catch up when styles change!

  10. I love your updates!! Can't wait to for Memphis in December!!

  11. Yay for Tummy Tuesday! I hate when people ask if you're sure you're not having twins. I got that question daily..STFU folks ;)

    Boys aren't jipped on clothes, per say, there's just less of them in the stores...like 12 racks of girl clothes for every 1 rack of boy clothes. I love little boy clothes!

  12. You look awesome!! YAY for a boy! So fun.

  13. Oh shush! You look amazing!
    Boys are fun to shop for. & yes, definitely a bit more simple. haha. I love buying my nephew clothes.
