May 5, 2015

Tummy Tuesday #2

Sorry I skipped last week.
I'm having a little trouble getting it together lately...
but softball and track both end this week so if I can survive the next couple of days,
I can finally rest some after work each day. And I'm sure I'll be bored.
How far along? 13 weeks
I know, it's ridiculous. I actually find myself sucking in so that people won't give me that "you are too big to only be that far along" mess....I'm just not ready for it.
If you see a preggo, tell her she looks amazing and tiny,
and then buy her a doughnut.
Trust me.
Sleep? It's hard to get comfortable, but most nights I'm so exhausted that I pass right out.
Maternity Clothes? In maternity pants, but still just rocking some too small tshirts mainly.
Best moment this week? I have a feeling this is going to be on Thursday.....2 nights of late night
softball watching sprinkled in with work and homework and regular house stuff, makes a Mom tired.
On Thursday, I can finally relax. :)
Miss anything? burning calories, for sure. I wish I could be a preggo that works out, but I keep telling myself that should be the last thing I worry about.
Movement? None that I can feel yet...but I am anxiously awaiting this. I remember how great it felt to have Harper moving all around in there.
Size of the baby? a peach, 0.81 ounces. It's amazing how fast this baby is growing!!
Food cravings? anything cheesy and chocolate milk on the daily. Which is funny because I didn't drink any choc milk at all with Harper, but I chugged it with K&A just like I do now.
Morning sickness? some. nothing too drastic and it normally goes away shortly after I get to work. I do get super nauseous if I go too long without eating though.....or if I ride in a car for long.
Gender? still feel like it's a girl. still totally content with the idea of either. still not finding out early.
Bed rest? Nope.
Limitations? Nothing more than your average preggo.
Pregnancy Symptoms? just the normal stuff, sprinkled in with a good amount of car sickness. you do NOT want me riding in your car....and you dont want to be with me driving to an away game.
{Just ask my kids...}
Wedding Rings? still on.
Looking forward to? going to the doctor on Friday, but it will be kinda uneventful since there is no ultrasound. I've gotten spoiled since I've had so many already. oh yeah, and SUMMERTIME!!!
Only 2 and 1/2 weeks of school. Can't believe it's almost time for another fun summer and that my girls are going to be in 7th grade! Slow down time. :)
Happy Tummy Tuesday. See ya next week.

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  1. Wow I hadn't even realized that it's only 2.5 weeks until summer for the kiddos!!! Gah time is flying. I can't wait for school to end this year. I'm just as excited as B.

  2. yayyy summer! and yayyyy baby bump! You look flawless with your mama glow :) I wonder if baby will end up being a girl!

    Candace | Lovely Little Rants

  3. I've said this so many times already, but you being pregnant makes me so so happy for you! Love tummy tuesday posts. You are simply glowing!

  4. Yes you are def way too big for baby to b the size of a peach. There is no logistical reason that you should already feel your uterus up that high. My husband is an ob and said you should def get that checked could possibly be farther along than you think! Which would be great ;)
