Dec 31, 2014

Christmas 2014

Again, I'm a bad picture taker.
Apparently, I'm too concerned with opening presents.
But here are a few from Christmas.

And that's about all I took/stole from others.
Kinda sad really!
We did have family pics taken as a surprise for my Mom this year.
I just KNEW she was going to love them!
She has always wanted us to take pics, we just have never
gotten around to doing it.
On the way to take the pics, I realized that I forgot Harper's elephant.
In case you are wondering, that's his stuffed animal that I like in
all family pics to represent him.
And I forgot it!
FH said we could turn around and go get it, but I didn't want to be late.
But now I wish I would have.
I feel like I left him out!
Other than that, I loved how the pics turned out.
Here's just a few of them:

I sure do love this family of mine.
We had a great Christmas.
With way more gifts that necessary.
WAY too much food.
And note to self, if you are reading this next year around Christmas:
They are way too good and you will gain 455 lbs eating the extra ones.
Merry Christmas everybody.
Can't wait to see what 2015 brings. :)

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The Elves

I've blogged about our elves every year.
I felt like the girls were a little old for them this year,
but alas, the things keep showing up.
They weren't very active this year.
But Harper's elf did decide to stay a part of our family,
in hopes that he would have a baby of his own to visit next year.
Luckily, our elves aren't that crazy.
After about 6 or 7 years, I guess they calm down a little.

The girls KEPT ON talking about them, wondering when they would show up.
And they finally appeared on a Monday morning just chilling in FH's car,
waiting on the girls to go to school.

And, the older K&A get, the more I forget to take pics of what the elves do.....
It's always a fun time with these little stinkers in our house.
Until next year.

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Dec 15, 2014

My Kid is a Genius

In order to understand this post, please read about Christmas 2012 here.
Now, back to 2014.
K&A both have 2 boxes wrapped under the tree.
K shook her box once and guessed what it was.
Exactly what it was.
And they ask for TONS of stuff for christmas.
And this wasn't even her top request.
No, she didn't have time to open it.
I had just wrapped it.
And no, you couldn't tell by feeling it or shaking it.
I tested it out to make sure because I know they are good guessers.
I'm not telling you what it is, because the girls read this blog.
And I, of course, denied it.
How does she figure out her gifts always??
I'll never know.
But next year I think I won't wrap any so she doesn't have a chance to guess.
And while looking for that old post, I came across this one from last year.
Funny how much our little family has changed over the last year.
We are still a party of 5 disguised as a party of 4.
We still have that sweet baby in our hearts.
The only difference is that last year, he spent Christmas with his nurses, who mostly
could pass for angels.
This year, he gets to spend it with the birthday boy Himself.
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Dec 12, 2014

Moms Know Best

I often wonder if my Mom realizes how awesome I think she is.
My mom has always had her stuff together.
She's always been someone I can completely count on.
Someone to look up to.
My biggest cheerleader.
The person who ALWAYS reminded me that I could do anything I put my mind to.
Her famous words: "If it were easy, anybody could do it." will stick with
me all of my life.
She went to every single thing I did as a kid, even when she worked two jobs.
And let's be honest, I played every single sport that was offered pretty much.
She busted her booty to keep me in private school when she had no help.
I never heard her complain once in all my years.
When I had twins at a young age, and a marriage that basically was a disaster,
she was there.
When I had dreams to finish college even though I had 3 month old twins,
she knew I could do it.
When I decided to go back to school and get a second degree with 5 year old twins,
she knew I could do it.
When I called to tell her how tired I was, or how I wasn't sure I could continue,
she gave me a pep talk and sent me on my way.
I think she hung the moon......
and following in her footsteps is terrifying.
Am I as good of a mom as she is?
I see my kids looking up to me, and I pray that I provide them with the example that she gave me.
I pray that they think I am always there for them, no matter what.
Because I am.
I am their #1 cheerleader.
I never thought about the Mom-side of things when I was a kid.
How bored she must have been waiting in the parking lot while I was finishing up practice.
Or how annoying it is to not be able to put on your PJs at home because you have to go
back to the school at 8PM when basketball practice is over.
Or how your kids think that you have an endless bank account that never wants to stop giving to them.
Or the cookies.
I swear I have baked more dozen cookies than I can count for one reason or another.
And I have "slice and bake", my mom didn't!
Being a Mom is the most amazing role in the world.
It's frustrating.
And sometimes you don't feel appreciated.
And sometimes I think I need two straight jackets to put K&A in because they literally
cannot EVER get along.
But one day, I'll miss their bickering.
One day, a quiet house will be miserable.
I love being a Mom.
And I love that I had a great example to follow.
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Dec 8, 2014

Ms Scrooge

This is the first year that K&A are in middle school.
So it's the first year they get to be really involved with school activites.
We've done volleyball and cross country...
and now it's time for basketball and plays.
Only Alex is on the basketball team and it's been interesting.
Our school, actually our grade in particular, has some hardcore girl athletes.
No offense boys.
So it's VERY competitive.
And they practice about a lot.
Both of the girls decided to try out for the middle school play this year.
And I knew that we were gonna be busy!
Alex got a speaking role with a good amount of lines considering it was her first play.
And of course, she had the lines memorized after like two days.
The kid can memorize anything. And usually does.
Kate had a goofy, non-speaking role.
But she had a lot of fun with it, and memorized Alex's lines after
going over them with her so much.
**Funny Fact: Alex was losing her voice the week of the performance and Kate said,
"Alex, please don't get sick. I don't know your lines THAT good."
She did not want to have to take her place!

The girls had so much fun in the play.
Our schedule was crazy during this time, especially the last 2 weeks before the performance.
They practiced about 2 hours a day sometimes.
And a lot of times, Alex had basketball right afterwards.
Play practice 3-5, sometimes 6.
Basketball 6-8.
I'm not sure about them, but I was exhausted!
Thank goodness we live close to the school because many nights we just took them
food to the school. And made about 3 to 4 trips a day.
So glad they got to have this experience though.
They are already talking about the next one.
I also learned I am so not ready for them to wear makeup.

And that it gets really old curling 2 heads of hair 4 nights in a row.
Also, curls never stick when I do them.

I tried to arrange it so that they had fans there every night so that I wouldn't have to go each time.
Although I was a little sad that I didn't see every performance.
But of course, I didn't think to get pics of all their fans. Only 1. :)

Can't wait til next year when they get to perform again.
I always knew they were super dramatic.
At least they can use that on the stage.


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