May 6, 2012

Home Sweet Home

I've waited a really long time to be a homeowner. I can't believe all my dreams are finally coming true.....and in less than 2 months, I'll have a new husband to go along with the new house. I honestly can't remember a time in my life when I was happier.
If you have ever lived in an apartment, then you can appreciate the weekend that I've had.
FH and I had our first cookout Friday night, just the two of us. We've been together for about 2&1/2 years but we've never grilled out together. So we considered this like our third date. And let me just say, FH cooked me a mean steak! It was great! We sat out on our back patio and just enjoyed every second of it. I look forward to many, many more cookouts with him! :)
Saturday, we cut grass. This doesn't sound exciting.....but it was for us because we've both been looking forward to having our own yard to take care of!
We have a wedding coming up, and those aren't cheap, neither are houses. Needless to say we have been pinching our pennies and doing what we can to save. So when it came time to buy a new lawn mower, of course FH- being a man and all- wanted a big ole expensive riding lawn mower. Me, being cheap and having grown up with yard/fields so huge that a tractor was used to cut them, insisted on a cheap push mower because our yard isnt THAT big. It's great exercise, plus it will give me a chance to work on my tan and give us something to do together. So FH said we could get a push mower if I cut the grass while he weedeated (I'm not sure that word even sounds right!). So, that was our deal.
Yesterday evening, I started to mow and FH started to weedeat. Little did I know, he'd be finished about 5 minutes later!! Apparently, his job was tiny and mine was huge!
I look over as I'm slaving away in the yard, and this is what I see:

Not only did the man come outside to gloat and silently think "I told you so", but he brought a chair to watch me and even a cold beverage to cool himself off after his exhausting 3 minutes of cutting weeds! If looks could kill, he would have been hurting! He's enjoying himself, smiling even, and instead of holding a cold beverage, this is what my hands were doing:

My hands still hurt today too! And did I mention that we didn't cut grass until too late in the evening for me to even get a tan? Not to mention, yes it was great exercise but we stuffed our faces with Mexican food for Cinco de Mayo! So the exercise was cancelled out!
I'm ready for the next time we cut grass. I'm doing it in the sun, with my headphones, and then not stuffing my face afterwards. Lesson well learned.

And the house looked pretty amazing when we got finished, if I do say so myself!

**Please note, no FHes were harmed in this post. He did, in fact, get out of his chair and cut half the yard with me, like a good little future husband. I guess he got tired of the evil glares I was sending his way.***
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1 comment:

  1. LOVE the new house!! And this hilarious post. I say next time just layout in the back while FH cuts the front yard.
