Apr 20, 2012


So, we have all been tired lately. Getting home late and staying busy has left us with no time to rest. Last night, around midnight, Alex came running into my room. First off, it scared me to death. Not having a man in the house at night of course always makes me think the boogie man is gonna come get us in our sleep. Second, I asked her what she was doing and she said she had to go to the bathroom. And then she proceeded to walk into my closet, turn on the light, and shut the door. Of course, I yelled, "Alex, that's the closet not the bathroom!" and she came back out and went into the bathroom without saying a word.

Like I said.....we all could use a little more sleep lately. Hopefully we can catch up this weekend! Pin It Now!

1 comment:

  1. You were dangerously close to getting your shoes peed on, lol
