May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

Of all the moms in the world, I am so grateful that God handpicked the perfect one for me. She is the perfect mom. Sometimes I have a difficult time believing that we are actually related since she looks well put together even if you catch her on a bad day, never loses her patience, and I don't believe in all of my almost 30 years that I have ever heard her raise her voice. Yep, I'm definately my father's child. But I love her nevertheless. She is the perfect role model and I hope that one day I can "grow up" to be just like her. Cute clothes and all. Until then, she is a very dependable grandma and she helps me in all shapes, forms, and fashions whenever I need her (which is pretty stinkin' often!).

Of all the kids in the world, I think mine are the coolest. I'm not even biased at all. Everyone always tells me how hilarious K&A are. I think I take them for granted sometimes because not a day goes by that I don't LOL at I don't really know what it's like to not have mini-me's around to laugh at. They can drive me nuts, make me want to pull out my hair, and then cuddle up and love on me all within minutes. Many, many times I think to myself that if I could just have 5 minutes alone, that I would be okay. If I could just take a nice long bath, or perhaps go to the bathroom without one of them banging on the door, I would survive the day. But then when I get the 5 minutes alone, the silence is not all it is made out to be. I CANNOT imagine my life without the craziness that is K&A. I look forward to every day that I spend with them and I love watching them grow into little ladies, well, little tomboys anyways.
Here's my mothers day presents from FH and the girls!

I'm so excited about laying out in my new chair!! And to spend my gift card that Alex insisted that she get me (smart girl). Unfortunately the candy they bought me is already gone......

My FH is the best man I know. I prayed for him. We are talking serious prayers, laying in the dark in my bed in the middle of the night before I could fall asleep kind of prayers. I always knew he was out there somewhere, and that he would find me eventually. It's been two and a half years, and I still get butterflies when I see his name on my phone. I still can't get enough of him, find myself staring at him while I'm suppose to be watching TV. I love that man more than I ever thought possible. Love, Love, Love. He is the perfect amount of everything that I ever wanted in a man, and it just so happens that he loves me in return too. :)

This is why my Mother's day was the best ever! I am so lucky and so blessed. Now, about that baby fever.......
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