Dec 21, 2011

Too Cute Not to Remember

My kids always say things that blow my mind. They act so grown up when I am with them individually. Alex loves to have me in the bathroom while she is in the bathtub. I sometimes, on the weekend when we have extra time, will go in there and read a book while she is playing in the tub. She just likes to have me in there, Kate does too. Alex likes for me to put my book down. She'll say "Let's chat Mom.". lol So, last night, I was helping her dry off when she got out of the bath, and she said "One day, I will be too big for you to do this for me. One day, I'll move out and have my own place." (How sad!!) I asked her if I would ever see her then.......she said "Oh yeah, I'll call you all the time. Like when some boy dumps me or if I just need to talk."

I love those girls! And I sure do dread the day that it is no longer cool for them to have their Mom as their best friend! Pin It Now!

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