Nov 6, 2012

Tell MEEEE About It Sister!

Today, I'm linking up with Helene for Tell Me About It Tuesday.
Helene in Between
So, I'm gonna tell you about something that I hold near and dear to my heart.
Are you laughing at me right now?
Stop it.
Facebook is how I first stalked talked to my husband.
It's how I reeled him in with my stolen status updates humor.
Fo real.
The day that I asked him out on our first date {don't judge me, this was like 2009, not 1965. no need to wait around on men}, I updated my status with something along the lines of "Should I or shouldn't I?"
I got several comments telling me to go for it.
They didn't even know what I was talking about and they felt like it was a good idea.
And now, here we are, living happily ever after.
Now, back to facebook.
Cause my handsome husband could be a whole other post of his own. :)

How do you find out about important events?
School closing?
Tornado warning?
So-and-so is knocked up?
Her baby daddy is dating your cousin's brother's aunt?
How do you figure out how to vote for a president?
Kidding, Kidding. Calm down.
But you know what I am beginning to HATE about facebook?
Where the heck did privacy go?
I mean, sure, I can block my mom so she doesn't see everything I post. #totallydid
And sure, I can delete people, or completely make myself nonFBexistant to them if they search for me. #helloexhusband
{too bad I can't hide my blog too......}
But I can't keep fb from doing all these updates.
I mean, do I really want everyone to see what I "like"?
Do I really want every Jim Bob Joe to know what article I read?
And seriously, I see you. You, with no life, playing Songpop or whatever it's called on a Saturday night.
And we won't even begin to mention how creepy it is when someone goes back and "likes" a status or picture from two years ago. I mean, exactly how long did you spend on my page?
Come on, where's the privacy?
I mean, if I want to facestalk someone, I should be able to do it privately. And don't get confused, by privacy, I totally didn't mean being able to hide your stuff from creepers like me.
I just meant from others. Don't get it twisted.
Okay, I'm done ranting about facebook.
I mean, I can't spend long writing this post.
Because if I did that, do you know how long it would take me to catch up on fb? #reallifeproblems
Happy Tuesday! {It is still Tuesday, right?}
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  1. I found you through Tell Me About it Tuesday! I'm an accountant in Memphis as well...small world! :)

  2. AWESOME post. i agree with you. I love it but now this privacy issue is really making me mad. love it. and thanks for linking up!

  3. haha... agreed! FB is a tricky place.

  4. Found you through the blog hop! This post made me laugh! Can't wait to follow along and read more. :)

  5. First of all, kudos on reaching out and nabbing the hubby! I did that as well. Cole and I were fairly new friends when I tossed him a paper with my numba on it and told him to call me if he knew what was good for him. Fastforward to 6 years later and we are married with a lil baby. You and I must done somethin' right!
    And, yes, get that next baby started out right. Mommy's team is always the best one!

  6. Ok, so I kinda mixed my comment for your latest post onto this post too.hehe
    P.S. Uhm, hello Mrs.Photogenic! Looking through a couple of your posts, you look great in all your pics.
