Nov 2, 2012

Inside My Brain

Random thoughts for the day.

1.It's friday. You know what that means? It's national I-Don't-want-to-work-today day.

Friday makes everyone smile....

.....and feel like having fun!

2. I learned this week that Fun Size candy bars do not make you a fun size. I will be handing our candy out to the homeless soon.

3. I really really really want to sign up to do the St. Louis Half Marathon in April. I'm currently trying to convince J to do it with me. I mean if it's in a different city and involves a vacation, then I'm more likely to do it, surely.

4. For the first time in I think forever, my bloglovin "favorites" folder says 0. I caught up on reading my favorite blogs yesterday, that's hard work but tons of laughter.

5. I was thinking this morning that I was going to do a challenge to see how long I could go without spending frivolous money....and then I remembered that I am shopping tomorrow morning with my mom and sister. I'm smart enough not to set myself up for failure like that.

6. I just heard someone say they were eating chilli for breakfast. Am I the only one that sounds weird to?

7. Is it weird that I feel like some bloggers should call me. And by call me, of course, I mean text me. Duh.

8. This weekend is our kid free weekend! And {at least I'm pretty sure} it's the weekend of the time change. that means date night is an extra hour longer! {If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!}

9. I'm pretty sure I'm showing my age and lameness when I admit this, but I totally recorded the CMAs last night so that I wouldn't have to stay up late. Oh, and so I could read in bed. Cause there are only a few things in life that make me happier than reading in bed.

10. I use google and my phone calculator to help me check my kids' homework. "Didn't you have this in 4th grade?" my daughter asked me last night. ummmm, do you know how long ago that was? I have had to bite my tongue several times not to just throw that mess up in the air and admit that they really don't need to know how to do it. I mean, I'm an accountant and I can't do math in my head. That's what iphones are for. obviously.

11. I just thought it would be fun to end on a random number. I have been CONSIDERING starting up a facebook page for my blog...mainly because I kinda have a lot to say and I just hate twitter. Either that or me, you, my followers, the blogs I follow, and all their followers should just exchange phone numbers. Not sure which would be easier.

I'm pretty sure my random thoughts are pretty fabulous to I'm gonna link up for Fab Friday.
Happy Freaking Friday Folks!

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  1. haha you are right that damn fun size candy!! i at way too much of it!! and I would definitely need to use a calculator on 4th grade math, that stuff is hard!

  2. Oh my goodness, you should have seen me, JH and Lyndsey trying to come up with the 13 colonies last night after lessons, lmao....are you smarter than a 4th grader....haha

  3. Awesome fabs!! Love the pictures.. :)

    Enjoy your kid free weekend.

    Visiting from Laura's Blog (Between The Lines).

  4. Thanks for linking up! :) Have a great weekend!

  5. Hi! I'm visiting from Laura's blog (Between the Lines).
    #10 ... sooo true! Love knowing I'm not the only one. ;)

  6. Wait until they get into middle school. My iphone and google are my best friends while I'm helping Wesley with homework!

    You should run the half marathon. #youknowyouwantthesticker
