Nov 5, 2012

Stinky Monday

Monday really does stink.
Back to work, back to the grind.
Back to setting the alarm for the mornings and going to bed at a decent hour.
But thanks to the time change, I am feeling good and rested today!
I always love when we fall's the day that we lose an hour that really kills me.

We had a pretty uneventful weekend at our house.
Uneventful but fun, of course.
I got to do a little shopping.....
I'm in love with my new purse

and in love with K&A's new winter coats

FH on the other hand despises the new coats. Apparently he thinks K&A are gonna tattoo an Alabama "A" on their forehead now and scream out "Roll Tide" everytime they wear the coat.
Is it my fault that Alabama claimed this great pattern as their own?
Is it my fault that his favorite team is puke orange? And isn't their other color camoflauge? It's not? Oh well, that's usually what I see.

Besides shopping, I didn't eat that much.
Only this small plate of steak and potatoes.

kidding. I totally shared this with 3 other people. But man alive it was good.
Thank you downtown Memphis, for making fat girls fatter.
for making tight jeans tighter, and for cancelling out all the walking I did while shopping on Saturday.

I did workout this weekend though. And by workout, of course I mean walk. I usually run some but everytime I do, my knees kill me so I just walked. And walked. And walked.
I'm pretty sure the neighborhood boys hate me for interupting their basketball game every singe time I walk down their street, but our neighborhood is small so I have to go up and down 5 of the same streets. It's not my fault!
I like to pretend like the older ones are all "Here comes that hot mom again" but I'm pretty sure it's more like "Dang, this fat chick needs to give up and go home."

We got some christmas shopping done this weekend.
And by "done" I mean that we now have 3 different layaway accounts open at 3 different Walmarts.
True story.
But so glad that we got our grubby little hands on our big items that we wanted to get this year.

Speaking of grubby little hands, tell me something.
Are these flowers still alive to you?

I mean, yes, we all see the one lone survivor in there.
But, what I want to know is, if you were me, would you throw these away?
Me: totally. If they aren't pretty, they aren't living and therefore just like everything that is not being used or making the house pretty, they should go in the trash.
FH: absolutely not. They are still alive. He can revive them.
Compromise: they are sitting outside of the trashcan. where they can still get sun but no one sees them.
But for real, am I alone? Am I like the Michael Vick of flowers?
Are there people out there that will throw red paint on me PETA style because of this?
Inquiring minds want to know.

And last but not least on the weekend recap,
I taught my kids to share.
Maybe this makes up for flower killing status.
And by teaching them to share, I mean I taught them that they should get all Halloween candy out of our house before Mommy becomes a whale.
I told them that my friend Amy at work has no kids and so she didn't get any candy but she really wanted some.
So Kate made her this:

This is what life is all about. GIVING all those calories and extra lbs to Miss Amy.
She can handle them. Mommy, however, cannot.
Next lesson, giving away all the leftover turkey.

Happy Stinky Monday Y'all!

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  1. I am quite possibly in love with K&A's new winter coats! Seriously, they are going to be adorable in them! And so what if they happen to shout out "Roll Tide" much better than "Go Vols"...sorry FH :)

    Also, I'm currently reading your blog while enjoying a banana laffy taffy (my favorite!) so thank you, Kate! I am grateful you taught your kids how to share. #reapingthebenefits

    Last but not least - I would throw the flowers away. They are clearly dead!
