Nov 19, 2012

November is Black Month

I'm a little upset about the fact that Black Friday is moving in on Thanksgiving.
I mean, I love Christmas and shopping as much as the next person, but opening stores on Thursday is a little extreme. Next thing you know, we are going to have the entire month of November as black month.

Ok, rant over.

This weekend was a lazy weekend.
And I loved it.

Friday, I took off work early and went to the girls' Thanksgiving lunch at school. It was especially fun this year since the BFF was there with her daughter.
Those kids are sooooo entertaining.
And they might have had a little bit crapton of dessert.

Oh and something VERY important and life changing happend on Friday.
I bought boots. As in tall boots that are cute and fit my legs.
Even when I was skinny, I had big calves so this is great news!
Also, I got them at Payless.
What?! I know right.

Find here.

I only ventured in there because I was in desperate need of some retail therapy but didn't want to drive the 30 minutes to "town" for real shopping.
And dang, Payless has stepped up their game.
Man, I sound like white trash. But seriously, super cute boots.
And they were $60. Which is cheap in the boot world but cray cray in the Payless world.
I also bought these mini I'm a ballerina socks for my flats.
Seriously, how funny do these make my foot look?!

Haha, you're welcome.

Saturday morning consisted of me sending pics and texts to my BFF. I was trying to venture into the leggings and boots world, but I was a bit nervous. So of course I had to have opinions. Which leads to the typical bathroom selfie.

I also did my hair curly which I haven't done in for-ever.
And then I went shopping with my mom and stepdad...where I got an early Christmas present.
We need new carpet in our living room but I'm hoping that we will {sooner rather than later} have a baby in our house so I don't want to replace it right now.
So, we got a rug. I am in love with it and it is super soft.
Not to mention, we got a great deal on it.
Now if anyone spills anything on it, I will kill them.
That means you too FH.

I also bought a new book that I can not put down!
I am almost finished with it and looking for the second one.
First off, I would never read zombie books, but for some reason, FH got me obsessed with this show!
Now, I can't get enough!

And then FH and I went out to eat.
To Red Lobster, which I hate.
I just don't do seafood but he ALWAYS lets me pick so I let him pick this one time.....marriage is about compromise after all.
And I pretty much could live off of RL's biscuits.
So it wasn't too bad.

His meal looked like this:
And my meal looked like this:

And then we went to Buffallo Wild Wings to watch the game and I got real food. Now that's how you compromise kids.

Sunday, we did nothing.
Besides put the girls basketball goal together.
We decided to give them this early christmas present so they could practice.
Can't wait for basketball season to get going!
How was your weekend??

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  1. I feel the same way about Black Friday. I hope that it doesn't ever get earlier!

  2. I so agree about black's like it's starts the day after's crazy, I just wish there was less emphasis on all the present buying/sales/material items and more focus on what the Christmas season is really supposed to be about :-/ but, it is what it is

    congrats on the boot buying by the way :-P I feel like every time the season changes I'm due for new shoes lol Happy Thanksgiving week :):)

  3. I agree on BF. And I love BF shopping. But I don't want to go on Thursday. Its like they are making me too, and I don't like to be told what to do....

  4. Picture?! I really want to see a picture of the boots, I have the same fat girl problem with my calves. Also, I hate that black friday shopping is moving to Thursday. Nice rug!

  5. I agree. I was just listening to NPR earlier today and apparently this woman was already camping outside Best Buy LAST WEEK. The manager had to tell her she couldn't stay on the premises anymore because it looked as if she was homeless and she was driving away potential customers. Insane.

    All I know is come Thanksgiving night, I'm going to be snuggled up in my nice warm bed dreaming of Turkey legs and Sweet Potato Pies while the crazies are duking it out over the last Tickle Me Elmo...


  6. I love lazy weekends. It looks like it was nice and relaxing.

  7. I just finished a blog post for tomorrow about my rage over stores opening on Thanksgiving. HATE!

    Jealous of your boots! I can never find a pair that fits me. Fat calves.

  8. More reasons why I love you. And I am getting those boots. I have a PayLess by my work that is about to get ransacked because I haven't found anything to go over these tree trunks. :)
